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Webcast Academy 3.1 self-introduction - scottlo Scorbal

Webcast Academy - Mon, 2008-07-21 16:25

Here is my audio self-introduction for Webcast Academy 3.1.

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Webcast Academy Session 3.1.1b

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2008-07-20 20:01

Webcast Academy Session 3.1.1b
July 20, 2008

Welcome First Steps

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Webcast Academy Session 3.1.1a

Webcast Academy - Fri, 2008-07-18 04:09

Webcast Academy Session 3.1.1a
July 17, 2008

Welcome First Steps

Chat Log Below


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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Doug Symington: 3.1 Introduction

Webcast Academy - Thu, 2008-07-17 22:44

My audio introduction for the Class of 3.1. I too am really looking forward to working with each of the interns in the Class of 3.1 and invite interns from previous sections of the Academy to join in the fun, and help us tweak the content and delivery of WCA curricula. NOTE: Background music compliments of the Beastie Boys and, and can be found @

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Jeff Lebow Introduction - Class of 3.1

Webcast Academy - Thu, 2008-07-17 00:08

Thought I'd get the ball rolling for introductions.  Look forward to virtually meeting 3.1 interns.

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Getting Started with UStream

Webcast Academy - Tue, 2008-07-15 04:53

Check out Getting Started with UStream and comment with any questions you have.

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Class of 3.x Planning

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2008-07-13 01:06
Class of 3.x Planning
July 12, 2008
Chat Log Below

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed


Webcast Academy - Tue, 2008-06-24 20:06

Some of the "usual suspects" get together to discuss the "state of the academy."

You can also catch more on WCA at this week's ETBS

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed


Webcast Academy - Mon, 2008-06-16 19:10

Conversation with John, Jeff, Derrall, Matt, and Doug about this section of the Webcastacademy and how we approach the "moodle-ization" of course content and how to progress with the Academy.

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

3.x Planning Session

Webcast Academy - Sat, 2008-06-14 03:07

We're getting underway with another section of the Academy. We've discussed having meetings at 9:00 PM Thursdays [during the same hour as EdTechBrainstorm]; however, we're interested in having webcasts at times that work for interested interns.

This weekend we're going to have an open house World Date and Time here 

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Ocean Hour: Earthcast08

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2008-06-01 01:52
Jason Robertshaw and guests, during "Ocean Hour" of Earthcast08.
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Creating Ripples: Barbara Dieu

Webcast Academy - Sat, 2008-05-31 23:10

Here's the audio from Barbara Dieu's "Creating Ripples" presentation to the Braz-Tesol, Goiania Chapter, May 30, 2008.

Bee has shared the slides for her talk here:

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Student Tech Talk Episode

Webcast Academy - Fri, 2008-05-30 14:53

Another edition of "Student Tech Talk." Listen to a small group of students talk a little bit about politics and educational technology.  This is a group of students that I'm hoping will continue with the world of webcasting as they move into high school next year.  If you listen to them I'll think you'll agree that they have some pretty awesome webcasting skills!!


Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

People and Places with Michael Coghlan

Webcast Academy - Thu, 2008-05-29 19:23
First Stop of People and places was Adelaide. We had a pleasant chat with Michael Coghlan about his home town and his travels around the world. A conversation worth listening to.
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Gradcast Karen Dennis 2008-5-27

Webcast Academy - Tue, 2008-05-27 22:28

Here it is!  My Gradcast!  A very special Thank You to Laura Vedeen for being my guest, and to all who participated and helped me out along the way! Here is the link to my portfolio

Please see attached for chat log!

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Interncast #3 - Matt Montagne

Webcast Academy - Mon, 2008-05-19 02:34

This is a conversation with three of my students about technology, society and culture.  My goal with these student webcasts is to kind of sit back and let the students take over.  So they do the intro, the outro, and hopefully moderate the flow of the conversation. 

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Earthbridges-May 18th, 2008 Planning Session

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2008-05-18 22:16

We had a nice check-in meeting today to continue our talks about building the Earthbridges Community.  The Earthbridges Crew would like to welcome both Sonja Gonzalez and Robin Ellwood to the team!  Both Sonja and Robin joined Andreas, Sheila, Mrs, Durff, Joao and myself on the call today.  I apologize to the Earthbridges Crew for moving the meeting up two hours.  Our next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, June 8th at 18:00 GMT.

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