Worldbridges Megafeed
ID3 Tag Software - File Administration Tool
Do you need a software tool for the administration of ID3 tags?
Recording and Broadcasting with Nicecast, Skype and a Mac
What sound card technology do you deploy?
Weeks # 1-2
Well, there is a time for everything. I'm starting to blog and still can't believe it! I never thought I would put up my very own thoughts in cyber space, but since this is the assignement...
Our end-of semester A has finally arrived so I have more time to fiddle with the audio specs' etc.. and I enjoyed very much learning to use Audacity and editing a file with a mix of background music and introducing myself!
Just getting started with webcasting
This will be a short blog post as I have completed Week 1 assignments and am now looking towards week 2! Just as well, as the meeting is in 2 hours!
No problems so far, however I have noticed a lot of activity on the group Skype chat and was wondering if I was really being left behind....maybe everyone is well into week 2 by now. Luckily I watched the screencast on how to manage a group Skype chat so I now know how to not have the chat window popping up during class all the time!
Week #1
I've done a lot of listening this week. Stayed up much later than I should have to listen to some webcasts. I've gotten something out of all of them but I find it hard to digest it all. I really appreciated the time with Lee and Derrall with the Mac interface on Monday, Jan 21st. They gave us a basic run down of the software, explaining the purposes and settings. It was very helpful. Thanks so much!
Offline Playback of Jing Screencasting Files via Total Video Player
Is there a offline way for the playback of Jing screencasting files?
After creating or downloading a Jing screencast, save the .swf flash file to your HD.
Then download and install the Total Video Converter.
This installation is actually comprized of two software packages.
Jess McCulloch Introduction
Karen Dennis...slowly but surely, starting to get it!
Holy Moly, lots to learn and already playing catch up!!
I was traveling yesterday, had been in Kansas City to watch my daughter perform, so did not return home in time to participate live. I am listening to the recording of the session. Learning lots, but discovered I hate just listening and not participating. So, hopefully life does not get in the way too often. Ok, I know I am dreaming, but my intentions are good.
Introduction by Cyndi Danner-Kuhn
Get this party started!
Finally feeling like I "get" what I'm supposed to do with this! A lot of that has to do with the first class (but missed the second... have to go back and listen to that!) and reading around on the website. This is a great community! Really liking that I can listen to other people's projects/ideas/intros and that we'll continue to work together. Great collaborative environment that I hope to try to re-create in part at my school.
Academy Meeting 2.4.1, Jan 20, 2008
Week#1 Topics & Agenda
Chat Log Below
Week 1 Reflection
Deborah Goodman Class of 2.4 Audio-Intro
Recording Skype call (two sides)
After some frustration with what I thought were setting issues, Lee B helped me out and it turns out my dual 1/8th inch plug headset wasn't going to work for this. I went to the local Radio Shack and ended up with a Logitec 250 USB headset, and things went MUCH smoother! I figured I'd post the settings here that worked, since they are a little different from Lee's screencast since she's using other software.
(Using a Logitec 250 USB headset)
System prefs : Sound : output and input set to Logitec USB