Feed aggregator
DE POCO UN TODO. 23 Mayo de 2017. Taller de radio ViaRadio. Colegio Sta. Mª del Naranco Alter Via. Oviedo. Asturias. España
Programa Magacín de 30 minutos.Con Ismael Alba, Cassandra Fernández, Iván Rubio, María Suárez y Daniel Calleja y la coordinación de Nacho Matías.
DE POCO UN TODO. 23 Mayo de 2017. Taller de radio ViaRadio. Colegio Sta. Mª del Naranco Alter Via. Oviedo. Asturias. España
Programa Magacín de 30 minutos.Con Ismael Alba, Cassandra Fernández, Iván Rubio, María Suárez y Daniel Calleja y la coordinación de Nacho Matías.
Taxonomy upgrade extras:DE POCO UN TODO. 14 Marzo de 2017. Taller de radio ViaRadio. Colegio Sta. Mª del Naranco Alter Via. Oviedo. Asturias. España
Programa Magacín de 30 minutos.Con Ismael Alba, Cassandra Fernández, Iván Rubio, María Suárez y Daniel Calleja y la coordinación de Nacho Matías.
DE POCO UN TODO. 14 Marzo de 2017. Taller de radio ViaRadio. Colegio Sta. Mª del Naranco Alter Via. Oviedo. Asturias. España
Programa Magacín de 30 minutos.Con Ismael Alba, Cassandra Fernández, Iván Rubio, María Suárez y Daniel Calleja y la coordinación de Nacho Matías.
Taxonomy upgrade extras:DE POCO UN TODO. 7 Marzo de 2017. Taller de radio ViaRadio. Colegio Sta. Mª del Naranco Alter Via. Oviedo. Asturias. España
Programa Magacín de 30 minutos. Con Ismael Alba, Cassandra Fernández, Iván Rubio, María Suárez y Daniel Calleja. Coordinación de Nacho Matías.
DE POCO UN TODO. 7 Marzo de 2017. Taller de radio ViaRadio. Colegio Sta. Mª del Naranco Alter Via. Oviedo. Asturias. España
Programa Magacín de 30 minutos. Con Ismael Alba, Cassandra Fernández, Iván Rubio, María Suárez y Daniel Calleja. Coordinación de Nacho Matías.
Educational Technology and Education Conferences for January to June 2017
Educational Technology and Education Conferences
for January to June 2017, Edition #36
Prepared by Clayton R. Wright, crwr77 at gmail.com, November 12, 2016
The 36th edition of the conference list covers selected events that primarily focus on the use of technology in educational settings and on teaching, learning, and educational administration. Only listings until May 2017 are complete as dates, locations, or Internet addresses (URLs) were not available for a number of events held from June 2017 onward. In order to protect the privacy of individuals, only URLs are used in the listing as this enables readers of the list to obtain event information without submitting their e-mail addresses to anyone. A significant challenge during the assembly of this list is incomplete or conflicting information on websites and the lack of a link between conference websites from one year to the next.
Educational Technology and Education Conferences for January to June 2017
Educational Technology and Education Conferences
for January to June 2017, Edition #36
Prepared by Clayton R. Wright, crwr77 at gmail.com, November 12, 2016
The 36th edition of the conference list covers selected events that primarily focus on the use of technology in educational settings and on teaching, learning, and educational administration. Only listings until May 2017 are complete as dates, locations, or Internet addresses (URLs) were not available for a number of events held from June 2017 onward. In order to protect the privacy of individuals, only URLs are used in the listing as this enables readers of the list to obtain event information without submitting their e-mail addresses to anyone. A significant challenge during the assembly of this list is incomplete or conflicting information on websites and the lack of a link between conference websites from one year to the next.
Learning2gether 342 in Hangout on Air Vance Stevens and Jeff Lebow - What is going on with HoA, and what to do about it?
We had scheduled this as a last Hangout on Air, since HoA was due for the scrap heap. However, we were unable to make the HoA work due to unreadable audio. Jeff and Vance connected on Skype and got clear audio, so it was something wrong with HoA.
Jeff had posted a plan C at http://webheadsinaction.org/live and was able to stream there on YouTube/live (the replacement for HoA after Sept 12, 2016) with voice provided in Skype. Those who came to http://webheadsinaction.org/live were able to find us in Chatwing at http://chatwing.com/vancestev and enter the Skype call that way. So sorry we were unable to communicate this at the time (not enough fingers nor brain cells) but we did get recordings, mine in Camtasia and Jeff's Plan C available at
http://webheadsinaction.org/live, and now archived here.
In the recordings, enjoy Webheads Learning2gether flying by its signature seat-of-its-pants.
What is this about?
According to https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7083786, Google has announced that Hangouts on Air will no longer function as such after Sept 12, 2016.
What does this mean for us? According to Alan Levine, not much as long as you avoid "encoder land"
Jeff Lebow has come up with a Plan B, and he and Vance will be discussing this development and what it will mean in practice at 1400 UTC on Sunday Aug 28.
Note from Jeff: Plan B might be an overstatement. My understanding is that HOA will still exist, it will just be started from your YouTube Live stream page as shown below.
Not wanting to disappoint by having no razzle-dazzle to play with, I have been fiddling with YouTube's non-Hangout live streaming options - specifically using Open Broadcaster Software as an encoder. Added a Plan C studio below in case there's need.
All are welcome to join us.
Where? Originally scheduled in Google+ Hangout on Air
- You can still join the conversation here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/c14rgbdvdcp7ddism919lpq2ous
- Jeff was streaming via YouTube/Live at http://webheadsinaction.org/live
- There was very little chat before or after the event at http://chatwing.com/vancestev
Find the Learning2gether archive of this event here:
The play button here streams events at show timeAt the moment it plays the last event held here
At show time, you can catch the stream on the live video feed while it streams above
while interacting with participants in the real-time chat below
Plan C Studio
For further information on all our upcoming events please visit
and for an index to our archives at http://learning2gether.net
(The TinyURL above redirects to
Alexander Hayes on the Null Hypothesis: On Country, Cyborgs and the Singularity
Alexander Hayes is within six months of completing his dissertation, and before it gets locked away somewhere and forgot about I asked him to spare us an hour and tell us about it.
It won't be the first time Alex has appeared on Learning2gether. In his most recent appearance, where we talked with him about the thesis research in-progress. I introduced him as follows:
Alexander Hayes has been associated with a number of cutting edge education projects over the years, including exploring the potential of StreamFolio, Talking VTE, POV technologies, Drones for Schools, wearable technologies (and the social implications of surveillance, sousveillance, and uberveillance) and most recently, Google Glass through posting his interviews with 60 Google Glass Explorers on YouTube,https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfhVHi9gqg5TLDTvvpVbI89NI5EJirTw8, and hosting the recent Glass Meetup #1 in Canberra.
Alex's previous Learning2gether appearances are listed below
I had almost forgot that Alex was only the third guest speaker in this Learning2gether podcast series as it was just getting started in 2010. At the time he asked us to have a look at his dissertation application plan entitled The Application of Location Enabled Body Worn Technologies In The Education Sector
It explores ramifications of the "rapid uptake of body worn, location enabled, mobile network accessible solutions for rich media creation and connection"
More recently I was honored to be interviewed as a small part of the data set in his extensive research, and I'm looking forward now to hearing about how all of that data have coalesced into a thesis soon to be locked away in a cabinet for no one to read :-) and what it all has to do with country, cyborgs, and singularity.
- Episode 218: Sunday, May 18, 2014 - Hangout with Alexander Hayes – Google Glass in Education
- Episode 162: Monday, May 27, 2013 - Alexander Hayes – The Revolution will be Humanized: The Glass Age Approaches, hosted by Jeff Lebow
- Episode 153: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 - Michael Coghlan and Vance Stevens live in Melbourne Talking VTE
with Stephan Ridgway, Alexander Hayes, and friends in Hangout - Episode 147: March 10, 2013 - Veillance Hangout with Alex Hayes and posse
- Episode 3: Wednesday, September 15, 2010: Vance Stevens - Interview with Alexander Hayes
All are welcome to join us and learn more about Alex and his always provocative ideas and innovations.
Where? Google+ Hangout on Air
- Join the conversation here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/catm05eet1c0j8gg3e1ka1t99m8
- Text chat with presenters while watching the stream at http://webheadsinaction.org/live
- Watch the event live as it streams on YouTube, https://youtu.be/Hu6APq--6Eg
- Chat with the presenters live, or before or after the event at http://chatwing.com/vancestev
Find more information on events of this nature at http://tinyurl.com/learning2getherSee the Learning2gether archive of this event here:https://learning2gether.net/2016/08/14/alexander-hayes-the-null-hypothesis-on-country-cyborgs-and-the-singularity/
At show time, you can catch the stream on the live video feed while it streams above
while interacting with participants in the real-time chat below
How this worked at showtime
If space is available (up to 10 people) you can join us in the HoA directly at its live link
(which was posted here)
and also posted to Twitter by @vances using hash tag #learning2gether
and at the Learning2gether event page here http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether
You can also watch the stream and chat with us live if you wish
- Join the conversation and catch the stream on the Google+ event page:
https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/catm05eet1c0j8gg3e1ka1t99m8 - or you can
- Watch, and listen to the stream at its YouTube URL: https://youtu.be/_OZHcN9ehZY
- And open the chat in another window here http://chatwing.com/vancestev
- In the Chatwing text space you can let us know if you want to join the Hangout
- We will let you know via the stream when space comes available
- When you enter the Hangout
- Wear a HEADSET to avoid broadcasting speaker sound back into the Hangout
- Switch OFF the stream as it is on a delay and will create an echo for you
- Please MUTE YOUR MIC when not actually speaking into it during the HoA
For further information on all our upcoming events please visit
and for an index to our archives at http://learning2gether.net
(The TinyURL above redirects to
Discussion of Teacher/Practitioner Research with Mark Wyatt, Anne Burns, and Judith Hanks
The presenters have published an article in the On the Internet column of TESL-EJ
Teacher/Practitioner Research: Reflections on an Online Discussion
* * * On the Internet * * *
May 2016 — Volume 20, Number 1
Mark Wyatt
University of Portsmouth, UK
Anne Burns
University of New South Wales, Australia
Judith Hanks
University of Leeds, UK
The discussion is on the evolution of that topic, its findings, and implications.
There is growing interest in educational research conducted by teachers and other practitioners in learning environments. There is also a growing willingness among educators to discuss such research in environments that are open and online. However, for some of those engaging with such forms of inquiry in such online spaces, puzzles remain. For example,
- For it to count as ‘research’, does teacher/practitioner ‘research’ have to be shared?
- Can this happen in non-academic ways, and why is this beneficial?
- In what ways is teacher/practitioner research valuable in itself as an activity?
- What forms of such research are open to teachers, how are they similar and how do they differ?
- What are the defining characteristics of one of these forms, ‘exploratory practice’, and what does it look like in practice?
- What kinds of support are required so that teacher/practitioner research is a more viable activity for both teachers and their learners?
These were some of the questions raised in a recent online discussion involving teachers and academics from all over the world. It provided dialogic learning opportunities and encouraged a sharing of insights from educators working from different perspectives but united in the common cause of supporting deeply ethical, empowering teacher/practitioner research. This article represents the moderators’ reflective summary of the discussion, produced with a view to disseminating current ideas on this topic and stimulating further debate.
Where? Google+ Hangout on Air
- Join the conversation, https://plus.google.com/events/cgm8156gghobfu74hco76qs9te4
- Text chat with presenters while watching the stream at http://webheadsinaction.org/live
- Watch the event live as it streams on YouTube, https://youtu.be/Hu6APq--6Eg
- Chat with the presenters live, or before or after the event at http://chatwing.com/vancestev
This event is archived fully at Learning2gether here:https://learning2gether.net/2016/06/20/discussion-of-teacherpractitioner-research-with-mark-wyatt-anne-burns-and-judith-hanks/ Find more information on events of this nature at http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether
At show time, catch the stream on the live video feed above
while interacting with participants in the real-time chat below
Here are the Show Notes (text transcript for the Chatwing chat taking place during this event)
How this works at showtime
If space is available (up to 10 people) you can join us in the HoA directly at its live link
posted here at show time
and also posted to Twitter by @vances using hash tag #learning2gether
and at the Learning2gether event page here http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether
You can also watch the stream and chat with us live if you wish
- Join the conversation and catch the stream on the Google+ event page:
https://plus.google.com/events/cgm8156gghobfu74hco76qs9te4 - or you can
- Watch, and listen to the stream at its YouTube URL: https://youtu.be/Hu6APq--6Eg
- And open the chat in another window here http://chatwing.com/vancestev
- In the Chatwing text space you can let us know if you want to join the Hangout
- We will let you know via the stream when space comes available
- When you enter the Hangout
- Wear a HEADSET to avoid broadcasting speaker sound back into the Hangout
- Switch OFF the stream as it is on a delay and will create an echo for you
- Please MUTE YOUR MIC when not actually speaking into it during the HoA
For further information on all our upcoming events please visit
and for an index to our archives at http://learning2gether.net
(The TinyURL above redirects to
Learning2gether 334 in Hangout on Air with Jeff Lebow
On Sunday Sun June 5 1400 UTC Vance Stevens and Jeff Lebow met to talk about old times and new projects, all in the spirit of informality that infuses all our online projects past and present. We planned (if that is the correct word :-) to discuss these in a context of informal learning.
We invited Dave Cormier to join us and fill us in on the Rhizosphere, which is verging on a Rhizo16 MOOC one of these days. Dave is quite busy, not only academically but at home, and at show time found himself "replete with kids" so he couldn' make it. But he was there in spirit.
For more information on what else happened, see the Learning2gether archive here
Enjoy the recording below
At show time, participants were able catch the stream on the live video feed above
while interacting with participants in the real-time chat below
Here is the chatwing transcript for just this event on June 5
Jeff Lebow If anyone would like to join in, Hangout is at: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/stream/k5pt4dr5n5cu7ek74x76kcpw3ie?hl=en-US 11 days agochatWING pgeorge Hi Jeff and Jeff :-) Took awhile for Chatwing to load for me. I'm watching on YouTube :-) Great to see Jose! I think he's going by Joe now :-) 11 days agochatWING Jeff Lebow As always, great to see you Peggy. 11 days agochatWING pgeorge Hi Vance! Thanks for organizing this! I'm looking forward to hearing your stories. Thanks Jeff! I miss you!! 11 days agochatWING Jeff Lebow Interested in joining in? Hangout at: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/stream/k5pt4dr5n5cu7ek74x76kcpw3ie?hl=en-US 11 days agochatWING Vanessa Vaile Hi Vance and Jeff. I started out on YouTube but moved to the WiA live page to have video and chat on the same page 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens hi everyone feel free to join us :-) 11 days agochatWING pgeorge I'm proud to be a webhead supporter and to be actively participating in many of their webinars over many years! I think of myself as a webhead although I haven't officially been blessed since i'm a late joiner. :-) 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens you are blessed Peggy as are we Jurgen is advertising you as a webhead at your livebinders presentation 11 days agochatWING pgeorge I've heard that comment much more frequently Jeff--laptops vs iPads and there clearly are arguments both pro/con. Yes I'm really looking forward to presenting on June 13 for Jurgen. I have accepted his "blessing" to officially call me a "webhead" :-) 11 days agochatWING pgeorge There are many things you can do with apps on iPads that go far beyond consuming to creating and there are some things you can't do on Chromebooks. 11 days agochatWING pgeorge I agree Jeff about Google Circles 11 days agochatWING pgeorge Some of those features are now built into Google Classroom but aren't available to regular Google account holders. hahaha podcatcher--haven't heard that in awhile I just subscribe to the podcasts I want to follow most of them host their podcasts in various places and also post on iTunes it's not video, it's my voice that hasn't woken up yet :-) 7am here in Phoenix :-) Set my alarm to be sure to wake up in time for this :-) 11 days agochatWING pgeorge I follow after I have heard them possibly from a Tweet or Facebook post and usually subscribe to their email list so I get notifications. A number of the podcasts I watch/listen to are on Blab now. Many podcasters have a website set up where they post their audio/video recordings along with shownotes or resources 11 days agochatWING eannegrenoble Hi - really pleased to find you here, since I'm arriving late Peggy 11 days agochatWING pgeorge Wes Fryer does a webcast on Blab called edtech Situation Room and he posts recording on YouTube and show notes via Google Doc on their website. yes blab.im 11 days agochatWING eannegrenoble Blag is a twitter linked chat for 4 speaking 11 days agochatWING pgeorge http://edtechsr.com/ 11 days agochatWING Kids Radio L.A. Checking into chat Here.. Jose from L.A. 11 days agochatWING Jeff Lebow Hangout at: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/stream/k5pt4dr5n5cu7ek74x76kcpw3ie?hl=en-US All are welcome 11 days agochatWING pgeorge Blab started out as a fabulous podcasting platform but it is now moving away from that focus to more of a social hangout. 11 days agochatWING pgeorge This is a good blog post that explains what is happening with Blab. https://www.thesocialmediahat.com/news/what-happening-blab-05212016 Love hearing about Kids Radio Jose!!! 11 days agochatWING pgeorge Probably meant Blab because they have 4 video windows but you can rotate people in and out of the windows to be on camera and speak. 11 days agochatWING Arthur Oglesby Finally found the chat - ARTiFactor 11 days agochatWING pgeorge Hello Arthur!!! :-) Welcome! 11 days agochatWING Arthur Oglesby Rhizo alum 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYcnd9Ro1jeWkTDkPzEEoAW1qaEpKkVs9rnTXlUb7p2Rtdn5RQ?hl=en&authuser=0 11 days agochatWING pgeorge Wow! What an accomplishment Vance!!! Yes my Livebinder for that webinar will be available to everyone! 11 days agochatWING pgeorge It's all about free webinars, virtual conferences and free online teaching resources. Of course you can my Globinar if it's ok with Jurgen :-) It's June 13 at 10:00am PST. My Classroom 2.0 LIVE webinars have been going for over 7 years with probably close to 325 webinars. 11 days agochatWING pgeorge This is the Livebinder I created for my webinar that I will be providing a guided tour through while sharing about Livebinders. http://www.livebinders.com/edit/index/2007970?tabid=3726d4bd-10a9-b3a9-2c40-31d16f0dbf89# 11 days agochatWING pgeorge EdTechTalk is in it of course! and of course Learning2gether :-) Wes's weekly podcast on EdTech Situation Room is always interesting. They share and discuss all things ed tech that are current and interesting. :-) Yes I post all of the links from my webinars in Livebinders :-) 11 days agochatWING Jeff Lebow http://puentesalmundo.net/ 11 days agochatWING pgeorge thanks Jeff :-) 11 days agochatWING Jeff Lebow https://theglobalreadaloud.com/ 11 days agochatWING pgeorge The special guest presenter on my show yesterday was an amazing PE teacher who uses tech for everything! He does his podcasts on Blab along with a slow chat. #slowchatpe Justin Schleider https://slowchatpe.wordpress.com/ he made sure everyone in the webinar got up and moved at least 3 times during the webinar :-) Totally agree Jose about credentials!!! 11 days agochatWING Jeff Lebow From Elizabeth Anne: <a href="http://player.vimeo.com/video/82957144" target="_blank">http://player.vimeo.com/video/82957144</a>That's an interview with Michelle Cordey - a very inspiring primary school teacher (who was new to me) 11 days agochatWING pgeorge We had Pernille Ripp on our show last year sharing about the Global ReadAloud! Awesome program! 11 days agochatWING eannegrenoble Oh wow - you are so quick Jeff! U was in the middle of doing that LOL *I 11 days agochatWING pgeorge I love Michelle Cordy! She's going to be a keynote at ISTE 2016 in Denver. https://twitter.com/cordym?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor 11 days agochatWING Kids Radio L.A. shoutout to Peggy.... thanks for all the connecting you do 11 days agochatWING pgeorge https://twitter.com/cordym thanks Jose :-) 11 days agochatWING pgeorge Tell us more about how webheads got started--in the very beginning! Was it the podcasting academy that was part of EdTechTalk that was the beginning? Sheila Adams still uses EarthBridges.net for her annual Earth Day live streaming with her students :-) 11 days agochatWING pgeorge that's an amazing record Jeff! only a few podcast episodes lost on ETT!! 11 days agochatWING Jeff Lebow From Jose: I was born in the 60's. 69
this would be the online space for http://rhizomatic.net right? Have not gone into Rhizomatic / Rhino learning yet
iRiver for me
http://edtechjoe.com/podcastplaylist 11 days agochatWING pgeorge thanks!!! was just going to ask for that link :-) so true about the isolation of the classroom! 11 days agochatWING Kids Radio L.A. http://edtechjoe.com/podcastplaylist 11 days agochatWING pgeorge and don't forget about EdCamps :-) EdCamps are usually f2f but some are virtual (like EdCamp Global) 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens can you tell us more? 11 days agochatWING Kids Radio L.A. Edcamps are awesome 11 days agochatWING pgeorge http://edcampglobal.wix.com/edcamp Global is coming up this summer :-) July 29-30 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens will check it out, is it f2f or online? 11 days agochatWING pgeorge interesting term!! digital swarming 11 days agochatWING eannegrenoble Have to be there of course! 11 days agochatWING Vanessa Vaile Ive been going to Bryan Alexander #FTTE forums -- very interesting, content and Shindig plaform, https://bryanalexander.org/category/future-trends-forum/ 11 days agochatWING eannegrenoble I HATE FB :-( 11 days agochatWING pgeorge Vance you are the most awesome communicator about your webinars and other events! The best I have ever seen! You make it so easy to follow and participate! 11 days agochatWING Kids Radio L.A. agreed. Vance 11 days agochatWING pgeorge EdCamp Global is virtual 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens thanks Peggy, sounds like it would make a good L2g session 11 days agochatWING pgeorge online sessions for 24 hours that accommodate any schedule across the globe. Thanks Vanessa for your link for Bryan Alexander--new to me. More info about EdCamp Global and how it works http://edcampglobal.wix.com/edcamp#!about/ch6q you have to copy/paste that link because it cuts off in this chat after the # sign 11 days agochatWING Vanessa Vaile "denizens of the rhizome" -- that would make a good sc/fi title 11 days agochatWING pgeorge such a great point Vance! the "center" is different for everyone! Jay Cross still hosts the Training Magazine Network webinars doesn't he? 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens Jay passed http://recently:-( 11 days agochatWING Vanessa Vaile There are two Facebook groups, imo FB is the center for more than a few. The center is either a moving target and/or wherever you want it to 11 days agochatWING pgeorge aha! I didn't realize that! Thank you! 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens :-) 11 days agochatWING pgeorge love your story, Jose, about connections through EdCamps :-) 11 days agochatWING pgeorge yes!!!! EVO!!!! another fabulous example! so much great content in those EVO courses and I always share them long after the course is over!!! absolutely!! EVO touches a lot of lives!!!! Mine included! 11 days agochatWING Vanessa Vaile on rhizowhatever (my personal tag) blogs are important too. There are a handful of blogs with extensive, active commenting. 11 days agochatWING Kids Radio L.A. I hope to encourage USC TESOL to get involved in 2017. 11 days agochatWING Vanessa Vaile Keith Hamon, http://blog.keithwhamon.net/2016/05/framing-rhizome-rhizo16.html 11 days agochatWING pgeorge I'm so glad EVO is NOT a typical university online course!!! We're there to learn together with awesome facilitators! 11 days agochatWING eannegrenoble Keep at it Jose -)) 11 days agochatWING pgeorge Vanessa, agree about blogs being important! 11 days agochatWING pgeorge the webinars on edWeb. net still get lots of participants! not unusual for them to have 250-400 people in their webinars on a weekday http://edweb.net/ love the Global ReadAloud!! 11 days agochatWING Vanessa Vaile thanks Peggy for the EdCamp link. I'm delighted to see the online one as travel can be a problem for me 11 days agochatWING pgeorge me too Vanessa! I participated in it last year and it was great! this has been a great conversation! thank you for doing this!!! so great to see you again Jeff Lebow!! I'm using Chrome too Vance (here in this chat) thanks to all of you! 11 days agochatWING pgeorge Elizabeth expressed my experience too. No problem with Chrome in these hangouts but I don't use keyboard commands. Are you talking about Chromebooks? I mean Vanessa!!! She was the person making the point about no problems with Chrome :-) love that attitude! you don't have a choice! it's going to change!! deal with it! 11 days agochatWING pgeorge keep the faith Vanessa! I'm sure your encouragement makes a big difference! 11 days agochatWING pgeorge yes Vance! sometimes the machine decides for us! that would be a very interesting topic for another session!! 11 days agochatWING pgeorge I like seniorbridges but not oldbridges :-) thank you all!!! have a great rest of your day/evening it's Monday June 13 at 10am PST 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens thanks for being with us 11 days agochatWING pgeorge do this again :-) a great way to start my day! :-) bye everyone! 11 days agochatWING Vanessa Vaile good-bye everyone -- splendid session and as Peggy says, a great way to start the day 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens or end one :-) Nice to see you there, and we'll have a session on seniors online and issue around that 11 days agochatWING Vanessa Vaile I collected all the links from this chat session (plus a few that seemed related) on a single page using OneTab () Learning2gether, informal learning, hangout and chat, June 5, 2016, 19 links, http://www.one-tab.com/page/-sjmSkP0SJm-nnvbOUHM1w 7 days agochatWING Vanessa VaileMore about OneTab (very useful for us info overloaded link grubbers), http://www.one-tab.com/help 7 days ago
How this always works at showtime
If space is available (up to 10 people) you can join us in the HoA directly at its live link
which was posted here at show time
and also posted to Twitter by @vances using hash tag #learning2gether
and at the Learning2gether event page here http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether
You can also watch the stream and chat with us live if you wish
- Join the conversation and catch the stream on the Google+ event page:
https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cidlkllgqdrvl9h6fdn1d6dfn3s - or you can
- Watch, and listen to the stream at its YouTube URL: https://youtu.be/_-UNqMkJimM
- And open the chat in another window here http://chatwing.com/vancestev
- In the Chatwing text space you can let us know if you want to join the Hangout
- We will let you know via the stream when space comes available
- When you enter the Hangout
- Wear a HEADSET to avoid broadcasting speaker sound back into the Hangout
- Switch OFF the stream as it is on a delay and will create an echo for you
- Please MUTE YOUR MIC when not actually speaking into it during the HoA
For further information on all our upcoming events please visit
and for an index to our archives at http://learning2gether.net
(The TinyURL above redirects to
Learning2gether with Susan Gaer about Students Producing Content
Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1oYSagz7DQzwqrux6nY_oCffCxIGTuzDNRnA_sY-YcQs/edit?usp=sharing
Venue: Google+ Hangout on Air
This Learning2gether event took place in Hangout on Air. As usual with L2g Hangouts, you can join us in the HoA at a link that will be provided just prior to the event (once the presenters are in the HoA). You can also follow the stream at its YouTube link and interact with us in our Chatwing text chat space.
See the archive on http://learning2gether.net
At show time, catch the stream on the live video feed above
while interacting with participants in the real-time chat, preserved below
Here is the text chat from just this week, showing URLs used in the presentation
Susan Gaer testa day agochatWING Vance Stevens http://www.showme.com/sh/?h=nGQlpBYa day agochatWING Vance Stevens http://5card.cogdogblog.com/index.phphttp://education.jhu.edu/PD/newhorizons/Journals/spring2010/thebraintargetedteachingmodel/a day agochatWING Susan Gaer http://education.jhu.edu/PD/newhorizons/Journals/spring2010/thebraintargetedteachingmodel/http://5card.cogdogblog.com/index.phpa day agochatWING Vance Stevens Susan and I are live now in HoA here, please join ushttps://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYcxFPdO8rq-Esswv5D5oOw0kdlptu5GCJLXMfvEU5ub2SUClA?hl=en&authuser=0a day agochatWING Vance Stevens http://webheadsinaction.org/livehttp://chatwing.com/vancesteva day agochatWING Vance Stevens This is the direct link to the hoahttps://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYcxFPdO8rq-Esswv5D5oOw0kdlptu5GCJLXMfvEU5ub2SUClA?hl=en&authuser=0a day agochatWING Vance Stevens http://www.showme.com/sh/?h=nGQlpBY show mea day agochatWING Vance Stevens http://learning2gether.net/2012/01/16/super-sunday-streaming-with-jeff-lebow-hangin/a day agochatWING Susan Gaer Link for the documents to accompany my presentationhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1bE4lFg_1sEOVVhc0U0R2NuOTAa day agochatWING Vance Stevens Thanks, here is the article on extending hangouts to numerous viewers Stevens, V. (2013). Tweaking Technology: How Communities Meet Online Using Google+ Hangouts On Air with Unlimited Participants. TESL-EJ, Volume 17, Number 3, pp. 1-16. Available: http://tesl-ej.org/pdf/ej67/int.pdf (also athttp://www.tesl-ej.org/wordpress/issues/volume17/ej67/ej67int/). a day ago
How this works at showtime
If space is available (up to 10 people) you can join us in the HoA directly at its live link
posted here at show time
and also posted to Twitter by @vances using hash tag #learning2gether
and at the Learning2gether event page here http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether
You can also watch the stream and chat with us live if you wish
- Join the conversation and catch the stream on the Google+ event page:
https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cbifv62nbssgaj1612rvamt2t3s - or you can
- Watch, and listen to the stream at its YouTube URL: https://youtu.be/ikel3de2Cis
- And open the chat in another window here http://chatwing.com/vancestev
- In the Chatwing text space you can let us know if you want to join the Hangout
- We will let you know via the stream when space comes available
- When you enter the Hangout
- Wear a HEADSET to avoid broadcasting speaker sound back into the Hangout
- Switch OFF the stream as it is on a delay and will create an echo for you
- Please MUTE YOUR MIC when not actually speaking into it during the HoA
For further information on all our upcoming events please visit
and for an index to our archives at http://learning2gether.net
(The TinyURL above redirects to
Vance Stevens and Nellie Deutsch present Giving Voice to Teachers in Connected Networks - live from TESOL Baltimore
Nellie Deutsch and Vance Stevens will demonstrate the processes involved in connecting and allowing teachers from around the world to share their educational beliefs and expertise through webinars. The demonstration will focus on how the projects interconnect. The on-site participants will learn to engage in online conversations with teachers at a distance.
Find our slides here, and at the QR code link at left
Vance will be webcasting in Google+ Hangout on Air (streamed / recorded at video embed above)
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/F83Svw3nPGI
Nellie will be webcasting on WizIQ live
Find more information at
Find more information on this and other events of this nature at http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether
Find the larger context of this post here
While watching, you can interact with participants in the HoA in the real-time chat below
How this works at show time
If space is available (up to 10 people) you can join us in the HoA directly at its live link
The live link was posted here at show time
- and also posted to Twitter by @vances using hash tag #learning2gether
- and at the Learning2gether event page here http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether
You can watch the stream at the embed above, and also chat with us live in real time if you wish
- Join the conversation and catch the stream on the Google+ event page:
https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cndcf1thf9ul0oe597j0qoekkcc - We livestream all Learning2gether HoAs here
Here you can watch the video as it streams and interact in the embedded text chat, or you can- Watch, and listen to the stream at its YouTube URL: https://youtu.be/F83Svw3nPGI
- And open the chat in another window here http://chatwing.com/vancestev (always live and ongoing)
- In the Chatwing text space you can let us know if you want to join the Hangout
- We will let you know via the stream when space comes available
- When you enter the Hangout
- Wear a HEADSET to avoid broadcasting speaker sound back into the Hangout
- Switch OFF the stream as it is on a delay and will create an echo for you
- Please MUTE YOUR MIC when not actually speaking into it during the HoA
For further information on all our upcoming events please visit
and for an index to our archives at http://learning2gether.net
(The TinyURL redirects to
!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+"://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");
Earthcast 2016
Earthcast 2016
#1 - Rye, NH students - Green Class
#2 - Rye, NH students - Yellow Class
DIY projects are at http://afewshortcuts.com/2014/08/diy-pencil-box/#_a5y_p=3180541
#3 - Rye, NH students Open Session (Students are in other classes.)
#4 - Open Session (Not all students are available.)
#5 Earthcast - Rye Jr High Students - Red Class
#6 Earthcast - Rye Jr High Students - Blue Class
Highlights from Earthcast2015
SeaTrek - Mote High School Interns&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;!--{cke_protected}{C}%3C!%2D%2D%20EarthcastMOTE%20%2D%2D%3E--&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;
Archive of Col. Kittinger with Rye, NH students.
(NOTE - Chatroom can pop out. Look for double rectangles on the top right corner.)
Please contact us at [email protected] if you can&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;t embed the chatbox
Learning2gether about HELLO THERE with Jennifer Verschoor and Ana Maria Menezez
Jennifer Verschoor and Ana Maria Menezez will tell us about a project they are working on together called Hello There. The project aims to help participants develop communication skills in the English Language. In this project, a group of teenage students (14-16) from Brazil and Argentina will be paired and instructed to use their own devices (cell phones, tablets or computers) to communicate in English in Edmodo. The objective is for the students to learn as much as they can about the other student and the place where he/she lives. By the end of 4 weeks, each student should publish a report to their teacher, explaining how the communication took place and what he/she learned about the other student, using images/ videos to illustrate it. The reports will be posted on a common wiki: http://projecthellothere.pbworks.com/
This event is archived on Learning2gether here:
Find more information on this and other events of this nature at http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether
While watching, you can interact with participants in the HoA in the real-time chat below
Here is the Chatwing chat from this session pasted below
Jennifer Verschoor http://www.slideshare.net/jenverschoor/pen-pals-go-digital-presentation5 days agochatWING Vance Stevens This is the direct link to the HoA https://hangouts.google.com/call/4zgwfgreprcalbfboneec6vdfmiwe are starting now5 days agochatWING Vance Stevens we are streaming5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble 25 students - that's quite a lot m'thinkspretty standard for secondary school though I guess5 days agochatWING mikecogh but 400 words is not that much!5 days agochatWING mikecogh that's greatgood point5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble It's very fortunate that they don't have the same L15 days agochatWING Vance Stevens that's what we used to do in Writing for Webheads, focus on communication5 days agochatWING mikecogh I like that approach - not correcting5 days agochatWING mikecogh it's good to be clear upfront about goals5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble Clear criteria (with a mark attached :-D ) is very motivating5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble It's very good that edmodo is mobile too though (less need of watsapp and the (other) F thing*whatsapp5 days agochatWING mikecogh the F thing :)5 days agochatWING Vance Stevens football? facebook?5 days agochatWING mikecogh frogs?5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble FB5 days agochatWING mikecogh :)fantastic!5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble Oh wow - a Sunday morning webinar with teenages !5 days agochatWING Vance Stevens the wiki is here http://projecthellothere.pbworks.com/5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble It seems a shame to correct in Blue - rather than use the page history to see the corrections (wich is easier for the teacher too )5 days agochatWING Ester Gasparro hi, Elizabeth5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble Hi Ester - good to see you here :-)5 days agochatWING Vance Stevens http://projecthellothere.pbworks.com/5 days agochatWING Jennifer Verschoor IEARN5 days agochatWING mikecogh :)5 days agochatWING mikecogh Wikispaces does the same - I have had 10 or more wikis there for at least 10 years600????5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble That's where Nation's 4 strands comes in - The writing makes the student THINK ABOUT the grammar.5 days agochatWING mikecogh Hi pussexactly!cat herder!5 days agochatWING mikecogh Maybe Vance should feed the cat?5 days agochatWING Jennifer Verschoor Kodu5 days agochatWING mikecogh code literacy5 days agochatWING Vance Stevens Kodu E5 days agochatWING Jennifer Verschoor Hour of Code5 days agochatWING mikecogh OK5 days agochatWING mikecogh I don't want to learn code personally. I want to use the products that code creates!5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble my feelings entirely Mike LOL5 days agochatWING mikecogh It's time for me to go to bed - thank you Jen. I've really enjoyed it.5 days agochatWING Maria Colussa Hey Vance! I forgot to tell you something: My friend Steve Sherman is going to interview Ives Rossi, the Jetman, tell me if you want to be in the hangout link to the broadcast here: http://www.livingmaths.com/5 days agochatWING Vance Stevens clicking on the link5 days agochatWING Vance Stevens I see that's tonight two hours from now, and thanks for inviting me, but I'm planning to be very tired at about that time :-)how do you know the jetman?5 days agochatWING Maria Colussa I dont! It´s Stevehe is always interviewing interesting people, just like you!Steve is a teacher of Maths from South Africa who spreads the word about learning in innovative waysas you have prob seen in his blogin any case there will be a recording5 days agochatWINGLog outHow this works at show time
If space is available (up to 10 people) you can join us in the HoA directly at its live link
The live link was posted here at show time
- and also posted to Twitter by @vances using hash tag #learning2gether
- and at the Learning2gether event page here http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether
You can watch the stream at the embed above, and also chat with us live in real time if you wish
- Join the conversation and catch the stream on the Google+ event page:
https://plus.google.com/events/cjpa7197h1cp1lp0rsdeak21gj4 - We livestream all Learning2gether HoAs here
Here you can watch the video as it streams and interact in the embedded text chat, or you can- Watch, and listen to the stream at its YouTube URL: https://youtu.be/JhjzSyNxJbQ
- And open the chat in another window here http://chatwing.com/vancestev (always live and ongoing)
- In the Chatwing text space you can let us know if you want to join the Hangout
- We will let you know via the stream when space comes available
- When you enter the Hangout
- Wear a HEADSET to avoid broadcasting speaker sound back into the Hangout
- Switch OFF the stream as it is on a delay and will create an echo for you
- Please MUTE YOUR MIC when not actually speaking into it during the HoA
For further information on all our upcoming events please visit
and for an index to our archives at http://learning2gether.net
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