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Webcast Academy Tutorial - A little 'what is the academy' and some toots.

Webcast Academy - Fri, 2006-04-14 14:45
WebCast Academy Tutorial - April 13th
Our Second webcast academy tutorial. We opened the show talking about what it means to be part of the academy, some stuff about digital storytelling and then on into some tutorials about webcasting itself.
Download mp3 (26.6MB, 58:15)

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Webcast Academy Open House - April 9, 2006, part 2

Webcast Academy - Wed, 2006-04-12 14:16

EdTechTalk#40 - Dave asks Jeff, "What's all this about?" A discussion of the Worldbridges vision, Webcast Academy plans, and the development of our open source learning community.
Download mp3 (18.6MB, 40:35)

Screenshot Video of a Mutli-user Festoon Conference

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Webcast Academy Open House - April 9, 2006

Webcast Academy - Mon, 2006-04-10 23:30

Thanks to all who helped make the Webcast Academy Open House such an interesting day. We're still processing material, but here are a few sites and sounds from our day of webcasting. 

Hour#1 - Opening the Open House with the Webheads
Download mp3 (1:05:28, 29.9MB)

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About Webcast Academy 1.1

Webcast Academy - Thu, 2006-04-06 03:09
(This is a first draft and the plan will likely change as the Class of 1.1 sort out  the how's and whats' of life at the Academy)

The goals of the Webcast Academy include

  • increasing the number of people who are capable of producing live, interactive webcasts
  • applying the open source community approach to skill development
  • creating a place that formally recognizes proficiency,  excellence, and innovation  in these new media skills

It is our hope that those who complete an apprenticeship here, will put their skills to use on the Worldbriges Webcasting Network and elsewhere, but there is no charge for participation and no formal commitment required following the completion of the internship.

To keep things manageable in terms session administration, server resources, and security, we can only accept 15 interns for each session.   Upon successful completion of their  3 interncasts and a 'commencement webcast',  interns will receive a Worldbridges Webcaster Proficiency Certificate and become a Worldbridges Webcasting License. 

Interns will need to spend at least 3~5 hours a week working on developing the necessary skills, working with other members of their 'channel', and banging their heads against their monitors.  Eventually, intern station managers will be broken into 5 groups (or channels). One of the stations managers in each group will serve as Channel Director.  The Channel Director will be responsible for scheduling and posting information about group webcasts on the calendar.

 Interns will be the only ones with direct access to the Worldbridges webcasting streams, but everyone is welcome to participate in other ways - posting in the discussion forums, commenting on posts, contributing to the Book of Webcasting, and learning along with the apprentices. 

How to become an intern
If you are interesting in becoming a webcast intern for session1.1 , please do the following:

  • Register with webcastacademy.net and completely fill out the 'apprentice' portion of your profile. 
  • Download everthing in the Webcaster Kit
  • Watch the Screen capture videos (uploading soon) of how to webcast using various streaming tools
  • If at all possible, get a desktop USB mic (not a USB headset). This is the type we've been usingWe have had much more success webcasting (capturing both ends of a telephony call) with a USB mic than with a standard mic.

Below is a tentative outline of our schedule.  This is flexible and will be adjusted to suit our collective learning needs.  Throughout the session, apprentices will post audio from their webcasts to the site,  post blog entries to their 'Apprentice Journal', and contribute to the Book of Webcasting1.1.

Task #1 - Give it your first shot (Download what you need, take a shot at going live on Demo Channel).  This can be done during the Open House or during webcasts later in the week (if spaces are left).
Following the Open House , take a piece of raw audio (hopefully part in which you particpated).  Tweak and edit it, including at least a quick intro along the lines of  'this is a piece of audio from .....'

Use Camtasia (Windows) or XXX(Mac) to create a screen capture video showing how you  edited it.

Post both the audio clip and the screen capture to the internet and post the link in your Webcast Academy Profile.

Discuss and Practice the following skills:

  • Capturing audio from both ends of a telephony call
  • Smoothly bringing people in and out of a telephony confernece

We will probably start with a whole group discussion, but then break in to OS based groups to focus on OS-specific details.
Following these discussions, each station manager will 'give it another shot' and test their setup.

We will then break into 'channel' groups.  Work with your group to plan a 20 minute show for next weekend.   When you have decided on a show time, please post it on the WCA and Worldbirdges Calendar.

Week 3

Listen to Group Webcasts. Discussion lessons learned.

Address some of the finer points of editing audio - Possible guest  experts

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

The Book of Webcasting

Webcast Academy - Wed, 2006-04-05 23:19

This is the Book of Webcasting - collaboratively built by Academy participants and still a bit messy, but aiming to be the repository of webcasting wisdom. 

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Webcast Academy Mobile Version

Webcast Academy - Wed, 2006-04-05 00:25

Welcome to the Mobile version of this site. 

Full Desktop Version here


Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Politics & Podcasting - Hour#11 of our 2006 New Year Webcastathon Discussion

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2006-01-01 16:50

Politics & Podcasting

Part#2 of our New Year Webcastathon Discussion

with Scott Fletcher of Podcheck Review

December 31, 2005

As our discussion with Scott Fletcher continues, we begin addressing the effect that podcasting and new media might have in politics and society. We are joined by Rob Walch, Stephen Downes, and John Mullaney.

What are the does and don’ts for podcasting politicians? What role will podcasters play in shaping the public debate and the electoral process? Why would five charming guys like ourselves spend New Year’s Eve discussing such things on a webcast? We attempt to address these and other fascinating questions as the clock ticks down to 2006.

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Worldbridges LiveWIRE - May 13, 2005

Webcast Academy - Sat, 2005-05-14 16:32

Interviews & Links Mentioned

Links to other sites mentioned

Adam Curry’s Podshow on Sirius Radio, DailySourceCode, Ourmedia.org, FreeVlog, Rocketboom, Andrew Baron, Input2005

Today’s webcast included podsafe music found at Garageband.com

Syd - Back Home - Boston

Sleepwalker - Project Invisible Cloister - Bulgaria

(no chat log was archived from this webcast)

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