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Discussion of Teacher/Practitioner Research with Mark Wyatt, Anne Burns, and Judith Hanks

Webheadsinaction.org - Tue, 2016-06-21 13:15
Learning2gether 336 in Hangout on AirTeacher/Practitioner Researchwith Mark Wyatt, Anne Burns, and Judith HanksMonday, June 20, 2016 What is this about? 


The presenters have published an article in the On the Internet column of TESL-EJ



Teacher/Practitioner Research: Reflections on an Online Discussion

* * * On the Internet * * *

May 2016 — Volume 20, Number 1

Mark Wyatt 
University of Portsmouth, UK

Anne Burns
University of New South Wales, Australia

Judith Hanks
University of Leeds, UK


The discussion is on the evolution of that topic, its findings, and implications.



There is growing interest in educational research conducted by teachers and other practitioners in learning environments. There is also a growing willingness among educators to discuss such research in environments that are open and online. However, for some of those engaging with such forms of inquiry in such online spaces, puzzles remain. For example,

  • For it to count as ‘research’, does teacher/practitioner ‘research’ have to be shared?
  • Can this happen in non-academic ways, and why is this beneficial?
  • In what ways is teacher/practitioner research valuable in itself as an activity?
  • What forms of such research are open to teachers, how are they similar and how do they differ?
  • What are the defining characteristics of one of these forms, ‘exploratory practice’, and what does it look like in practice?
  • What kinds of support are required so that teacher/practitioner research is a more viable activity for both teachers and their learners?


These were some of the questions raised in a recent online discussion involving teachers and academics from all over the world. It provided dialogic learning opportunities and encouraged a sharing of insights from educators working from different perspectives but united in the common cause of supporting deeply ethical, empowering teacher/practitioner research. This article represents the moderators’ reflective summary of the discussion, produced with a view to disseminating current ideas on this topic and stimulating further debate.


Where? Google+ Hangout on Air


This event is archived fully at Learning2gether here:https://learning2gether.net/2016/06/20/discussion-of-teacherpractitioner-research-with-mark-wyatt-anne-burns-and-judith-hanks/ Find more information on events of this nature at http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether 


At show time, catch the stream on the live video feed above

while interacting with participants in the real-time chat below

Here are the Show Notes (text transcript for the Chatwing chat taking place during this event)



How this works at showtime

If space is available (up to 10 people) you can join us in the HoA directly at its live link

posted here at show time 

and also posted to Twitter by @vances using hash tag #learning2gether

and at the Learning2gether event page here http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether


You can also watch the stream and chat with us live if you wish

  • Join the conversation and catch the stream on the Google+ event page: 
  • or you can
  • In the Chatwing text space you can let us know if you want to join the Hangout
    • We will let you know via the stream when space comes available
    • When you enter the Hangout
      • Wear a HEADSET to avoid broadcasting speaker sound back into the Hangout
      • Switch OFF the stream as it is on a delay and will create an echo for you
      • Please MUTE YOUR MIC when not actually speaking into it during the HoA 


For further information on all our upcoming events please visit


and for an index to our archives at http://learning2gether.net

(The TinyURL above redirects to



Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Learning2gether 334 in Hangout on Air with Jeff Lebow

Webheadsinaction.org - Thu, 2016-06-16 14:28
Sunday, June 5, 2016 What is this about? 

On Sunday Sun June 5 1400 UTC Vance Stevens and Jeff Lebow met to talk about old times and new projects, all in the spirit of informality that infuses all our online projects past and present. We planned (if that is the correct word :-) to discuss these in a context of informal learning.

We invited Dave Cormier to join us and fill us in on the Rhizosphere, which is verging on a Rhizo16 MOOC one of these days. Dave is quite busy, not only academically but at home, and at show time found himself "replete with kids" so he couldn' make it. But he was there in spirit.

For more information on what else happened, see the Learning2gether archive here

Find more information on events of this nature at http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether


Enjoy the recording below


At show time, participants were able catch the stream on the live video feed above

while interacting with participants in the real-time chat below

Here is the chatwing transcript for just this event on June 5

Jeff Lebow  If anyone would like to join in, Hangout is at: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/stream/k5pt4dr5n5cu7ek74x76kcpw3ie?hl=en-US 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  Hi Jeff and Jeff :-) Took awhile for Chatwing to load for me. I'm watching on YouTube :-) Great to see Jose! I think he's going by Joe now :-) 11 days agochatWING Jeff Lebow  As always, great to see you Peggy. 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  Hi Vance! Thanks for organizing this! I'm looking forward to hearing your stories. Thanks Jeff! I miss you!! 11 days agochatWING Jeff Lebow  Interested in joining in? Hangout at: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/stream/k5pt4dr5n5cu7ek74x76kcpw3ie?hl=en-US 11 days agochatWING Vanessa Vaile  Hi Vance and Jeff. I started out on YouTube but moved to the WiA live page to have video and chat on the same page 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens  hi everyone feel free to join us :-) 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  I'm proud to be a webhead supporter and to be actively participating in many of their webinars over many years! I think of myself as a webhead although I haven't officially been blessed since i'm a late joiner. :-) 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens  you are blessed Peggy as are we Jurgen is advertising you as a webhead at your livebinders presentation 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  I've heard that comment much more frequently Jeff--laptops vs iPads and there clearly are arguments both pro/con. Yes I'm really looking forward to presenting on June 13 for Jurgen. I have accepted his "blessing" to officially call me a "webhead" :-) 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  There are many things you can do with apps on iPads that go far beyond consuming to creating and there are some things you can't do on Chromebooks. 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  I agree Jeff about Google Circles 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  Some of those features are now built into Google Classroom but aren't available to regular Google account holders. hahaha podcatcher--haven't heard that in awhile I just subscribe to the podcasts I want to follow most of them host their podcasts in various places and also post on iTunes it's not video, it's my voice that hasn't woken up yet :-) 7am here in Phoenix :-) Set my alarm to be sure to wake up in time for this :-) 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  I follow after I have heard them possibly from a Tweet or Facebook post and usually subscribe to their email list so I get notifications. A number of the podcasts I watch/listen to are on Blab now. Many podcasters have a website set up where they post their audio/video recordings along with shownotes or resources 11 days agochatWING eannegrenoble  Hi - really pleased to find you here, since I'm arriving late Peggy 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  Wes Fryer does a webcast on Blab called edtech Situation Room and he posts recording on YouTube and show notes via Google Doc on their website. yes blab.im 11 days agochatWING eannegrenoble  Blag is a twitter linked chat for 4 speaking 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  http://edtechsr.com/ 11 days agochatWING Kids Radio L.A.  Checking into chat Here.. Jose from L.A. 11 days agochatWING Jeff Lebow  Hangout at: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/stream/k5pt4dr5n5cu7ek74x76kcpw3ie?hl=en-US All are welcome 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  Blab started out as a fabulous podcasting platform but it is now moving away from that focus to more of a social hangout. 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  This is a good blog post that explains what is happening with Blab. https://www.thesocialmediahat.com/news/what-happening-blab-05212016 Love hearing about Kids Radio Jose!!! 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  Probably meant Blab because they have 4 video windows but you can rotate people in and out of the windows to be on camera and speak. 11 days agochatWING Arthur Oglesby  Finally found the chat - ARTiFactor 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  Hello Arthur!!! :-) Welcome! 11 days agochatWING Arthur Oglesby  Rhizo alum 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens  https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYcnd9Ro1jeWkTDkPzEEoAW1qaEpKkVs9rnTXlUb7p2Rtdn5RQ?hl=en&authuser=0 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  Wow! What an accomplishment Vance!!! Yes my Livebinder for that webinar will be available to everyone! 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  It's all about free webinars, virtual conferences and free online teaching resources. Of course you can my Globinar if it's ok with Jurgen :-) It's June 13 at 10:00am PST. My Classroom 2.0 LIVE webinars have been going for over 7 years with probably close to 325 webinars. 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  This is the Livebinder I created for my webinar that I will be providing a guided tour through while sharing about Livebinders. http://www.livebinders.com/edit/index/2007970?tabid=3726d4bd-10a9-b3a9-2c40-31d16f0dbf89# 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  EdTechTalk is in it of course! and of course Learning2gether :-) Wes's weekly podcast on EdTech Situation Room is always interesting. They share and discuss all things ed tech that are current and interesting. :-) Yes I post all of the links from my webinars in Livebinders :-) 11 days agochatWING Jeff Lebow  http://puentesalmundo.net/ 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  thanks Jeff :-) 11 days agochatWING Jeff Lebow  https://theglobalreadaloud.com/ 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  The special guest presenter on my show yesterday was an amazing PE teacher who uses tech for everything! He does his podcasts on Blab along with a slow chat. #slowchatpe Justin Schleider https://slowchatpe.wordpress.com/ he made sure everyone in the webinar got up and moved at least 3 times during the webinar :-) Totally agree Jose about credentials!!! 11 days agochatWING Jeff Lebow  From Elizabeth Anne: <a href="http://player.vimeo.com/video/82957144" target="_blank">http://player.vimeo.com/video/82957144</a>
That's an interview with Michelle Cordey - a very inspiring primary school teacher (who was new to me) 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  We had Pernille Ripp on our show last year sharing about the Global ReadAloud! Awesome program! 11 days agochatWING eannegrenoble  Oh wow - you are so quick Jeff! U was in the middle of doing that LOL *I 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  I love Michelle Cordy! She's going to be a keynote at ISTE 2016 in Denver. https://twitter.com/cordym?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor 11 days agochatWING Kids Radio L.A.  shoutout to Peggy.... thanks for all the connecting you do 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  https://twitter.com/cordym thanks Jose :-) 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  Tell us more about how webheads got started--in the very beginning! Was it the podcasting academy that was part of EdTechTalk that was the beginning? Sheila Adams still uses EarthBridges.net for her annual Earth Day live streaming with her students :-) 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  that's an amazing record Jeff! only a few podcast episodes lost on ETT!! 11 days agochatWING Jeff Lebow  From Jose: I was born in the 60's. 69
this would be the online space for http://rhizomatic.net right? Have not gone into Rhizomatic / Rhino learning yet
iRiver for me
http://edtechjoe.com/podcastplaylist 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  thanks!!! was just going to ask for that link :-) so true about the isolation of the classroom! 11 days agochatWING Kids Radio L.A.  http://edtechjoe.com/podcastplaylist 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  and don't forget about EdCamps :-) EdCamps are usually f2f but some are virtual (like EdCamp Global) 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens  can you tell us more? 11 days agochatWING Kids Radio L.A.  Edcamps are awesome 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  http://edcampglobal.wix.com/edcamp Global is coming up this summer :-) July 29-30 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens  will check it out, is it f2f or online? 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  interesting term!! digital swarming 11 days agochatWING eannegrenoble  Have to be there of course! 11 days agochatWING Vanessa Vaile  Ive been going to Bryan Alexander #FTTE forums -- very interesting, content and Shindig plaform, https://bryanalexander.org/category/future-trends-forum/ 11 days agochatWING eannegrenoble  I HATE FB :-( 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  Vance you are the most awesome communicator about your webinars and other events! The best I have ever seen! You make it so easy to follow and participate! 11 days agochatWING Kids Radio L.A.  agreed. Vance 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  EdCamp Global is virtual 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens  thanks Peggy, sounds like it would make a good L2g session 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  online sessions for 24 hours that accommodate any schedule across the globe. Thanks Vanessa for your link for Bryan Alexander--new to me. More info about EdCamp Global and how it works http://edcampglobal.wix.com/edcamp#!about/ch6q you have to copy/paste that link because it cuts off in this chat after the # sign 11 days agochatWING Vanessa Vaile  "denizens of the rhizome" -- that would make a good sc/fi title 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  such a great point Vance! the "center" is different for everyone! Jay Cross still hosts the Training Magazine Network webinars doesn't he? 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens  Jay passed http://recently:-( 11 days agochatWING Vanessa Vaile  There are two Facebook groups, imo FB is the center for more than a few. The center is either a moving target and/or wherever you want it to 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  aha! I didn't realize that! Thank you! 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens  :-) 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  love your story, Jose, about connections through EdCamps :-) 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  yes!!!! EVO!!!! another fabulous example! so much great content in those EVO courses and I always share them long after the course is over!!! absolutely!! EVO touches a lot of lives!!!! Mine included! 11 days agochatWING Vanessa Vaile  on rhizowhatever (my personal tag) blogs are important too. There are a handful of blogs with extensive, active commenting. 11 days agochatWING Kids Radio L.A.  I hope to encourage USC TESOL to get involved in 2017. 11 days agochatWING Vanessa Vaile  Keith Hamon, http://blog.keithwhamon.net/2016/05/framing-rhizome-rhizo16.html 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  I'm so glad EVO is NOT a typical university online course!!! We're there to learn together with awesome facilitators! 11 days agochatWING eannegrenoble  Keep at it Jose -)) 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  Vanessa, agree about blogs being important! 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  the webinars on edWeb. net still get lots of participants! not unusual for them to have 250-400 people in their webinars on a weekday http://edweb.net/ love the Global ReadAloud!! 11 days agochatWING Vanessa Vaile  thanks Peggy for the EdCamp link. I'm delighted to see the online one as travel can be a problem for me 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  me too Vanessa! I participated in it last year and it was great! this has been a great conversation! thank you for doing this!!! so great to see you again Jeff Lebow!! I'm using Chrome too Vance (here in this chat) thanks to all of you! 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  Elizabeth expressed my experience too. No problem with Chrome in these hangouts but I don't use keyboard commands. Are you talking about Chromebooks? I mean Vanessa!!! She was the person making the point about no problems with Chrome :-) love that attitude! you don't have a choice! it's going to change!! deal with it! 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  keep the faith Vanessa! I'm sure your encouragement makes a big difference! 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  yes Vance! sometimes the machine decides for us! that would be a very interesting topic for another session!! 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  I like seniorbridges but not oldbridges :-) thank you all!!! have a great rest of your day/evening it's Monday June 13 at 10am PST 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens  thanks for being with us 11 days agochatWING pgeorge  do this again :-) a great way to start my day! :-) bye everyone! 11 days agochatWING Vanessa Vaile  good-bye everyone -- splendid session and as Peggy says, a great way to start the day 11 days agochatWING Vance Stevens  or end one :-) Nice to see you there, and we'll have a session on seniors online and issue around that 11 days agochatWING Vanessa Vaile  I collected all the links from this chat session (plus a few that seemed related) on a single page using OneTab () Learning2gether, informal learning, hangout and chat, June 5, 2016, 19 links, http://www.one-tab.com/page/-sjmSkP0SJm-nnvbOUHM1w 7 days agochatWING Vanessa VaileMore about OneTab (very useful for us info overloaded link grubbers), http://www.one-tab.com/help 7 days ago 

How this always works at showtime

If space is available (up to 10 people) you can join us in the HoA directly at its live link

which was posted here at show time 

and also posted to Twitter by @vances using hash tag #learning2gether

and at the Learning2gether event page here http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether


You can also watch the stream and chat with us live if you wish

  • Join the conversation and catch the stream on the Google+ event page: 
  • or you can
  • In the Chatwing text space you can let us know if you want to join the Hangout
    • We will let you know via the stream when space comes available
    • When you enter the Hangout
      • Wear a HEADSET to avoid broadcasting speaker sound back into the Hangout
      • Switch OFF the stream as it is on a delay and will create an echo for you
      • Please MUTE YOUR MIC when not actually speaking into it during the HoA 


For further information on all our upcoming events please visit


and for an index to our archives at http://learning2gether.net

(The TinyURL above redirects to



Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Learning2gether with Susan Gaer about Students Producing Content

Webheadsinaction.org - Mon, 2016-05-23 23:42
Sunday, May 22, 2016  What is this about? 


Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1oYSagz7DQzwqrux6nY_oCffCxIGTuzDNRnA_sY-YcQs/edit?usp=sharing

Venue: Google+ Hangout on Air

This Learning2gether event took place in Hangout on Air. As usual with L2g Hangouts, you can join us in the HoA at a link that will be provided just prior to the event (once the presenters are in the HoA). You can also follow the stream at its YouTube link and interact with us in our Chatwing text chat space. 

See the archive on http://learning2gether.net

Find more information on events of this nature at http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether



At show time, catch the stream on the live video feed above

while interacting with participants in the real-time chat, preserved below

Here is the text chat from just this week, showing URLs used in the presentation

  Susan Gaer testa day agochatWING Vance Stevens http://www.showme.com/sh/?h=nGQlpBYa day agochatWING Vance Stevens http://5card.cogdogblog.com/index.phphttp://education.jhu.edu/PD/newhorizons/Journals/spring2010/thebraintargetedteachingmodel/a day agochatWING Susan Gaer http://education.jhu.edu/PD/newhorizons/Journals/spring2010/thebraintargetedteachingmodel/http://5card.cogdogblog.com/index.phpa day agochatWING Vance Stevens Susan and I are live now in HoA here, please join ushttps://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYcxFPdO8rq-Esswv5D5oOw0kdlptu5GCJLXMfvEU5ub2SUClA?hl=en&authuser=0a day agochatWING Vance Stevens http://webheadsinaction.org/livehttp://chatwing.com/vancesteva day agochatWING Vance Stevens This is the direct link to the hoahttps://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYcxFPdO8rq-Esswv5D5oOw0kdlptu5GCJLXMfvEU5ub2SUClA?hl=en&authuser=0a day agochatWING Vance Stevens http://www.showme.com/sh/?h=nGQlpBY show mea day agochatWING Vance Stevens http://learning2gether.net/2012/01/16/super-sunday-streaming-with-jeff-lebow-hangin/a day agochatWING Susan Gaer Link for the documents to accompany my presentationhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1bE4lFg_1sEOVVhc0U0R2NuOTAa day agochatWING Vance Stevens Thanks, here is the article on extending hangouts to numerous viewers Stevens, V. (2013). Tweaking Technology: How Communities Meet Online Using Google+ Hangouts On Air with Unlimited Participants. TESL-EJ, Volume 17, Number 3, pp. 1-16. Available: http://tesl-ej.org/pdf/ej67/int.pdf (also athttp://www.tesl-ej.org/wordpress/issues/volume17/ej67/ej67int/). a day ago 


How this works at showtime

If space is available (up to 10 people) you can join us in the HoA directly at its live link

posted here at show time 

and also posted to Twitter by @vances using hash tag #learning2gether

and at the Learning2gether event page here http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether


You can also watch the stream and chat with us live if you wish

  • Join the conversation and catch the stream on the Google+ event page: 
  • or you can
  • In the Chatwing text space you can let us know if you want to join the Hangout
    • We will let you know via the stream when space comes available
    • When you enter the Hangout
      • Wear a HEADSET to avoid broadcasting speaker sound back into the Hangout
      • Switch OFF the stream as it is on a delay and will create an echo for you
      • Please MUTE YOUR MIC when not actually speaking into it during the HoA 


For further information on all our upcoming events please visit


and for an index to our archives at http://learning2gether.net

(The TinyURL above redirects to



Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Vance Stevens and Nellie Deutsch present Giving Voice to Teachers in Connected Networks - live from TESOL Baltimore

Webheadsinaction.org - Thu, 2016-05-19 08:23
Thu April 7, 2016 - 2000 UTC / GMT What was this about? 


Nellie Deutsch and Vance Stevens will demonstrate the processes involved in connecting and allowing teachers from around the world to share their educational beliefs and expertise through webinars. The demonstration will focus on how the projects interconnect. The on-site participants will learn to engage in online conversations with teachers at a distance.


Find our slides here, and at the QR code link at left



Vance will be webcasting in Google+ Hangout on Air (streamed / recorded at video embed above)


YouTube link: https://youtu.be/F83Svw3nPGI


Nellie will be webcasting on WizIQ live



Find more information at


Find more information on this and other events of this nature at http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether

Find the larger context of this post here



While watching, you can interact with participants in the HoA in the real-time chat below


How this works at show time

If space is available (up to 10 people) you can join us in the HoA directly at its live link

The live link was posted here at show time

You can watch the stream at the embed above, and also chat with us live in real time if you wish

  • Join the conversation and catch the stream on the Google+ event page: 
  • We livestream all Learning2gether HoAs here
    Here you can watch the video as it streams and interact in the embedded text chat, or you can
  • In the Chatwing text space you can let us know if you want to join the Hangout
    • We will let you know via the stream when space comes available
    • When you enter the Hangout
      • Wear a HEADSET to avoid broadcasting speaker sound back into the Hangout
      • Switch OFF the stream as it is on a delay and will create an echo for you
      • Please MUTE YOUR MIC when not actually speaking into it during the HoA 


For further information on all our upcoming events please visit


and for an index to our archives at http://learning2gether.net
(The TinyURL redirects to

!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+"://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Earthcast 2016

Earthbridges.net - Wed, 2016-04-27 19:25

Earthcast 2016

#1 - Rye, NH students - Green Class

#2 - Rye, NH students - Yellow Class

DIY projects are at  http://afewshortcuts.com/2014/08/diy-pencil-box/#_a5y_p=3180541

#3 - Rye, NH students Open Session (Students are in other classes.)

#4 - Open Session (Not all students are available.)

#5 Earthcast - Rye Jr High Students - Red Class

#6 Earthcast - Rye Jr High Students - Blue Class


Highlights from Earthcast2015

SeaTrek - Mote High School Interns<br> <!--{cke_protected}{C}%3C!%2D%2D%20EarthcastMOTE%20%2D%2D%3E-->


Archive of Col. Kittinger with Rye, NH students.



(NOTE - Chatroom can pop out. Look for double rectangles on the top right corner.)

Please contact us at [email protected] if you can't embed the chatbox





Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Learning2gether about HELLO THERE with Jennifer Verschoor and Ana Maria Menezez

Webheadsinaction.org - Fri, 2016-03-25 10:27
Sunday March 20, 2016 What was this about? 


Jennifer Verschoor and Ana Maria Menezez will tell us about a project they are working on together called Hello There. The project aims to help participants develop communication skills in the English Language. In this project, a group of teenage students (14-16) from Brazil and Argentina will be paired and instructed to use their own devices (cell phones, tablets or computers) to communicate in English in Edmodo. The objective is for the students  to learn as much as they can about the other student and the place where he/she lives. By the end of 4 weeks, each student should publish a report to their teacher, explaining how the communication took place and what he/she learned about the other student, using images/ videos to illustrate it. The reports will be posted on a common wiki: http://projecthellothere.pbworks.com/


This event is archived on Learning2gether here:



Find more information on this and other events of this nature at http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether 


While watching, you can interact with participants in the HoA in the real-time chat below


Here is the Chatwing chat from this session pasted below

 Jennifer Verschoor   http://www.slideshare.net/jenverschoor/pen-pals-go-digital-presentation5 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   This is the direct link to the HoA https://hangouts.google.com/call/4zgwfgreprcalbfboneec6vdfmiwe are starting now5 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   we are streaming5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble   25 students - that's quite a lot m'thinkspretty standard for secondary school though I guess5 days agochatWING mikecogh   but 400 words is not that much!5 days agochatWING mikecogh   that's greatgood point5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble   It's very fortunate that they don't have the same L15 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   that's what we used to do in Writing for Webheads, focus on communication5 days agochatWING mikecogh   I like that approach - not correcting5 days agochatWING mikecogh   it's good to be clear upfront about goals5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble   Clear criteria (with a mark attached :-D ) is very motivating5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble   It's very good that edmodo is mobile too though (less need of watsapp and the (other) F thing*whatsapp5 days agochatWING mikecogh   the F thing :)5 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   football? facebook?5 days agochatWING mikecogh   frogs?5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble   FB5 days agochatWING mikecogh   :)fantastic!5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble   Oh wow - a Sunday morning webinar with teenages !5 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   the wiki is here http://projecthellothere.pbworks.com/5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble   It seems a shame to correct in Blue - rather than use the page history to see the corrections (wich is easier for the teacher too )5 days agochatWING Ester Gasparro   hi, Elizabeth5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble   Hi Ester - good to see you here :-)5 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   http://projecthellothere.pbworks.com/5 days agochatWING Jennifer Verschoor   IEARN5 days agochatWING mikecogh   :)5 days agochatWING mikecogh   Wikispaces does the same - I have had 10 or more wikis there for at least 10 years600????5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble   That's where Nation's 4 strands comes in - The writing makes the student THINK ABOUT the grammar.5 days agochatWING mikecogh   Hi pussexactly!cat herder!5 days agochatWING mikecogh   Maybe Vance should feed the cat?5 days agochatWING Jennifer Verschoor   Kodu5 days agochatWING mikecogh   code literacy5 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   Kodu E5 days agochatWING Jennifer Verschoor   Hour of Code5 days agochatWING mikecogh   OK5 days agochatWING mikecogh   I don't want to learn code personally. I want to use the products that code creates!5 days agochatWING eannegrenoble   my feelings entirely Mike LOL5 days agochatWING mikecogh   It's time for me to go to bed - thank you Jen. I've really enjoyed it.5 days agochatWING Maria Colussa   Hey Vance! I forgot to tell you something: My friend Steve Sherman is going to interview Ives Rossi, the Jetman, tell me if you want to be in the hangout link to the broadcast here: http://www.livingmaths.com/5 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   clicking on the link5 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   I see that's tonight two hours from now, and thanks for inviting me, but I'm planning to be very tired at about that time :-)how do you know the jetman?5 days agochatWING Maria Colussa   I dont! It´s Stevehe is always interviewing interesting people, just like you!Steve is a teacher of Maths from South Africa who spreads the word about learning in innovative waysas you have prob seen in his blogin any case there will be a recording5 days agochatWINGLog out

How this works at show time

If space is available (up to 10 people) you can join us in the HoA directly at its live link

The live link was posted here at show time

You can watch the stream at the embed above, and also chat with us live in real time if you wish

  • Join the conversation and catch the stream on the Google+ event page: 
  • We livestream all Learning2gether HoAs here
    Here you can watch the video as it streams and interact in the embedded text chat, or you can
  • In the Chatwing text space you can let us know if you want to join the Hangout
    • We will let you know via the stream when space comes available
    • When you enter the Hangout
      • Wear a HEADSET to avoid broadcasting speaker sound back into the Hangout
      • Switch OFF the stream as it is on a delay and will create an echo for you
      • Please MUTE YOUR MIC when not actually speaking into it during the HoA 


For further information on all our upcoming events please visit


and for an index to our archives at http://learning2gether.net
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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Nathan Beyerlein interviews moderators of EVO Minecraft MOOC for TEFLexpress

Webheadsinaction.org - Tue, 2016-03-08 01:32
Sunday February 28, 2016 - 1400 UTC / GMT What was this about? 


EVO Minecraft MOOC is an EVO session just ending its second run as a growing community of practice at https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/112993649763396826671.


Nathan Beyerlein is the Vietnam-based blog editor for http://teflexpress.co.uk/blog/ and he asked to interview the co-moderators of #evomc16 for an upcoming blog post.


Find the Learning2gether archive of this event here


and more information on this and other events of this nature at http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether 

Find part 2 here: https://blab.im/vance-stevens-education-minecraft

While watching, you can interact with participants in the HoA in the real-time chat below

Here is the part of the chat relevent to just this event, pasted below

chatWING Nathan Beyerlein   Hello.9 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   howdy9 days agochatWING Rose Bard   Here :)9 days agochatWING msmolcec   hello, hello;)9 days agochatWING Nathan Beyerlein   teflexpress.co.uk/blog/9 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   are you all still here?8 days agochatWING Nathan Beyerlein   Still here : )8 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   I had to reauthorize chatwingok, I will close this HoA and try using Firefoxrose is here?, marijana?8 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   anotehr option is Bb Collaborate8 days agochatWING Nathan Beyerlein   Whatever is easiest.8 days agochatWING Rose Bard   Hi, guys!8 days agochatWING msmolcec   hiHI I am herebut I have problems in enterinh BbCyou know that, I could try enter via my other tablet, but cannot promise anything8 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   ok, another option would be blab for just 4 peopleI'll see if I can start one8 days agochatWING msmolcec   ok, have neve ruse blabCan I leave some notes for Nathan on GoogleDocs,as I cannot stay no longer, I am sorry:(8 days agochatWING Nathan Beyerlein   That's fine. Thanks for your time.I'll be updating the questions after the talk.8 days agochatWING Rose Bard   for me it's okayI answered most of the questions alreadyI mean okay to just type on the doc our answers. That's what I meant. btw Nathan, great questions. Thank you.8 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   hang on try here https://blab.im/vance-stevens-education-minecraftcome to this space, we can record here8 days agochatWING msmolcec   shall we leave G+hangout now8 days agochatWING Rose Bard   Can I use your questions in the future? Theya re really helpful for my future projects.8 days agochatWING Nathan Beyerlein   Absolutely.8 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   rose and I can talk there, yeah you can leave hangout, but why not pop by blab and check it outhttps://blab.im/vance-stevens-education-minecraftit's interesting8 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   and it will work, it has 4 seats, I'm there at the moment, come before someone else drops inor let me know if there is a problem with blab8 days agochatWING Nathan Beyerlein   Just waiting for it to load.8 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   marijana is here8 days agochatWING Rose Bard   am I there?Thanks, Nathan. :)I can hear you Vance8 days agochatWING Nathan Beyerlein   Just authorizing it through Twitter...8 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   are you coming, rose and marijana are talking here at blab8 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   we see you trying8 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   do you want to ask questions here?you can hear us, right?8 days agochatWING Rose Bard   I'll be back later. :)8 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   are you still with us nathan?8 days agochatWING Vance Stevens   We started out in HoA, I joined from another computer to try and screenshare a Minecraft window from there but maybe because it's a DOS window it didn't share, so I exited the HoA from thereMISTAKE! I was the host so even though I was still in the HoA on my other computer, my action terminated the HoAWe tried to start a new HoA but we could none of us hear anything thereSo, in Learning2gether we learn about new tools, and we'd recently learned about Blab, so we regrouped there. Check it out: https://blab.im/vance-stevens-education-minecraft8 days agochatWING 

How this worked at show time

If space is available (up to 10 people) you can join us in the HoA directly at its live link

The live link will be posted here at show time 


You can watch the stream at the embed above, and also chat with us live in real time if you wish

  • Join the conversation and catch the stream on the Google+ event page: 
  • We livestream all Learning2gether HoAs here
    Here you can watch the video as it streams and interact in the embedded text chat, or you can
  • In the Chatwing text space you can let us know if you want to join the Hangout
    • We will let you know via the stream when space comes available
    • When you enter the Hangout
      • Wear a HEADSET to avoid broadcasting speaker sound back into the Hangout
      • Switch OFF the stream as it is on a delay and will create an echo for you
      • Please MUTE YOUR MIC when not actually speaking into it during the HoA 


For further information on all our upcoming events please visit


and for an index to our archives at http://learning2gether.net
(The TinyURL redirects to

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Col. Joseph Kittinger Interview with Rye Jr. High's 7th Graders

Earthbridges.net - Sun, 2015-02-01 20:00

7th Grade students at Rye Jr. High School in Rye, NH, US, interviewed Col. Joseph Kittinger, retired Air Force colonel. He is well known for his record breaking jump from the stratosphere back in 1960. He has many accomplishments in the field of aviation including a test pilot, fighter pilot and balloonist which earned him a place in the National Aviation Hall of Fame. (http://www.nationalaviation.org/kittinger-jr-joseph-william/)

In 2012, he mentored Felix Baumgartner with his helium balloon jump from the stratosphere. 

We were also joined by his wife, Sherry Kittinger. Thank you to both! - Sheila Adams

January 29, 2015

News Release of His Jump - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8RRkMsHOMU



Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Earthcast 2014

Earthbridges.net - Wed, 2014-04-23 02:25

On April 22, 2014, the Earthbridges community webcasted live for several hours to recognize Earth Day. We had many people from around the globe who planned and contributed to this event we call, Earthcast.

The broadcast was divided into 6 parts.

     Part 1 - Introduction by Rye Jr High School students.  (Sheila Adams)
         - Class Afloat - Learn about school on a tall ship and how it relates to Earth Day (Jenn Williams)
         - Sea Trek TV (MOTE) - Sharks Alive! (Jason Robertshaw)

     Part 2 - Rye Jr High School students. (Sheila Adams)
        - Yellow class
        - Lunch group
        - Movie trailers
        - Poetry

     Part 3 - Derrall Garrison and his students at San Jose, California

     Part 4 - Rye Jr High Students - Red and Blue Classes

     Part 5 - Rye Jr High Students - Green class and wrap-up from New Hampshire

     Part 6 - Andreas Auwarter from Koblenz, Germany
            - In German and English
            - Music

Special thank you to Jeff Lebow, Peggy George, Derrall Garrison, Andreas Auwarter, Andreas Fischer, Jason Robertshaw, Jenn Williams, Vance Stevens and the rest of the Earthbridges community for planning and contributing in this year's Earthcast!      - Sheila Adams and grade 7 students

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Dr. Clyde Roper - Squid Researcher

Earthbridges.net - Thu, 2012-01-05 01:42
The students from Rye Jr. High School (Rye, NH) spoke with Dr. Clyde Roper. Dr. Roper is a expert on squid and other cephalopods. He is well known for his research on the Giant Squid! Find out more about Dr. Roper, his work and, of course, squid!

The audio is available for download below.Taxonomy upgrade extras:
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

March 16, 2011 - Diving in Antarctica

Earthbridges.net - Wed, 2011-03-16 00:40

Robin Ellwood, an 8th grade science teacher, discusses her 4 seasons working in Antarctica. She was a divemaster for group of researchers in the Dry Valleys. Her journals are available at http://ryejrhigh.org/ellwood

We will be webcasting on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 from 8:20-9:00; 9:00-9:45; 1:00-1:45; 1:45-2:30 EDT. (-4 GMT). Please join us in the chat room.

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Space Shuttle Discovery Launch (Almost) Part 1 of 2

Earthbridges.net - Sat, 2010-11-06 00:50
150 people were chosen around the world to participate in NASA's Tweetup at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, USA. I was one lucky participant. Two full days of activities were planned for us that culminated in the launch of STS-133, Discovery space shuttle. Unfortunately, there were delays for several days and eventually it was postponed until November 30, 2010 (4 am). Although we didn't see the launch, we did get to see and do things at KSC that most people don't.
I met up with another teacher, David Glenn, from North Carolina. We took the opportunity to webcast on this final day of activities, just after we heard about the launch being scrubbed.
This is rather long and I'll edit much later, but wanted people to be able to access it now. This segment does include the interview with Dan Tani, astronaut who has logged many days in space on several missions.
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Earthcast 2010, Hour#11 - Vance & the Women Students of UAE's Petroleum Institute

Earthbridges.net - Thu, 2010-04-22 15:46
Earthcast 2010 Hour #11
Women from  the UAE's Petroleum Institute 
Taxonomy upgrade extras:
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Earthcast 2010, Hour#1 - Keynote with Jason Czarnezki

Earthbridges.net - Thu, 2010-04-22 10:30
Earthcast 2010 Keynote 
Jason Czarneki
"Climate Policy and US-China Relations"

Chat Log Below

Learn more about Jason and his family's experience in China by reading their "Vermont 2 China" blog.
19:35:32  Peggy George ->  Hooray!! There's Jason!!
19:37:16  Peggy George ->  that was a funny ad that came up on your page Jeff! Women seeking Dating Chat and Marriage :-)
19:38:08  Peggy George ->  the audio sounds great for both of you
19:40:19  Peggy George ->  will we get to see Jason and Matt on mebeam?
19:41:11  nacho ->  Hola, desde Asturias, España
19:41:26  nacho ->  un saludo para todos y los mejores deseos de que salga bien
19:41:31  nacho ->  se oye de maravilla
19:48:00  Peggy George ->  my firefox has been behaving very strange lately too!!
19:48:17  Peggy George ->  you guys look fantastic!! love those smiles :-)
19:55:25  matt montagne ->  hey jason!!!
19:55:28  JL ->  you are here
19:55:30  Jason Czarnezki ->  hello
19:55:52  Peggy George ->  very interesting--couldn't find my avatar for my tweet and then remembered that I switched to the Earthcast avatar :-)
19:56:37  Peggy George ->  Hi there Jason!!
19:57:30  Peggy George ->  Jose is joining in near end of keynote I think
19:57:55  Peggy George ->  I'll watch for him :-)
19:58:55  matt montagne ->  welcome cas!!!
19:59:11  Peggy George ->  those courses sound great Jeff!!
19:59:30  Peggy George ->  does that mean there are two separate chat rooms?
20:00:39  Peggy George ->  Hi cas!! Getting excited about Earthcast 2010!! Here we go!
20:01:05  Peggy George ->  Hola to Jose!!
20:01:44  mrsdurff ->  Was haben Sie alles gesagt?
20:01:48  Peggy George ->  Jose is running a Spanish Earthcastathon simultaneously! Very exciting!
20:02:08  Peggy George ->  http://puentesalmundo.net/ciberespiral
20:02:19  Peggy George ->  Woo hoo!!
20:02:24  mrsdurff ->  YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH
20:02:52  Czarnezki ->  hello
20:03:12  Peggy George ->  get that coffee pot brewing!! 24 hours of learning and motivation!
20:03:40  mrsdurff ->  every twitter like crazy
20:03:54  Peggy George ->  Hi Paul! Looking forward to your session on school gardens!
20:04:18  Peggy George ->  hashtag for this is #earthcast10
20:05:07  Peggy George ->  we have more viewers than people logged into the chat--come on in everyone
20:05:41  Paul Allison ->  Hi Peggy, me too.
20:06:32  Peggy George ->  bye Jose!! Have a great earthcast!!
20:06:49  Peggy George ->  Happy Earth Day!!! :-)
20:07:14  mrsdurff ->  Did he say China?
20:07:15  Peggy George ->  Hooray for Teachers Teaching Teachers!!
20:07:19  Peggy George ->  yes China
20:07:22  mrsdurff ->  k
20:07:24  Peggy George ->  Hi Sheila
20:07:46  Sheila Adams ->  hello! Still in meeting but wanted to stop by the chat.
20:07:52  Peggy George ->  what an exciting international team!!
20:08:01  mrsdurff ->  the grand elf
20:08:21  Peggy George ->  #earthcast10
20:08:34  Peggy George ->  Welcome derrallg!!
20:08:42  derrallg ->  HI Peggy
20:08:45  mrsdurff ->  oh keep dave out then
20:08:46  Sheila Adams ->  Will definitely catch this later! Disappointed I'm missing it.
20:09:00  Peggy George ->  me too Sheila!! hurry back!
20:09:04  mrsdurff ->  we love you sheila
20:09:10  Sheila Adams ->  :)
20:09:21  Peggy George ->  that was an awesome keynote!!
20:09:47  Peggy George ->  wow!! forgot that!!
20:09:56  Peggy George ->  professor Obama!
20:10:10  Peggy George ->  yes hearing great!
20:10:10  derrallg ->  yes
20:10:14  mrsdurff ->  Clap clap clap
20:10:29  mrsdurff ->  btw the vooicethread is at http://voicethread.com/?#q.b887765.i4731643
20:10:36  Paul Allison ->  Love how they met... over garbage.
20:11:04  matt montagne ->  pretty much, Paul...we had lots of conversations as he would bring his compost in my backyard
20:11:05  Peggy George ->  :-)
20:11:50  Peggy George ->  a city with 14m people!! wow!
20:11:53  matt montagne ->  welcome boschm to earthcast 2010!
20:12:01  mrsdurff ->  hi boschm
20:12:06  mrsdurff ->  have sound?
20:12:18  Peggy George ->  working great
20:12:50  derrallg ->  my wife was living just outside Guanzhou
20:13:23  mrsdurff ->  unequivocal unless you live where I do or work where I work - these people think it is a hoax
20:13:55  Peggy George ->  that's a really interesting chart!
20:14:01  matt montagne ->  I would LOVE to have a climate change denier present on earthcast
20:14:20  matt montagne ->  if anyone knows one, please encourage him/her to join in over the next day
20:14:29  mrsdurff ->  oh webcast are of the devil - good luck
20:14:30  Peggy George ->  yes Matt!! we should have a panel or debate :-)
20:15:38  Peggy George ->  do you think you will be able to post Jason's slides on the Earthbridges site?
20:15:39  matt montagne ->  hi kjacobs!!!
20:16:04  matt montagne ->  welcome to the keynote...our keynote presenter is jason czarneski, who is in southern china
20:16:11  kjacobs ->  Hey
20:16:36  kjacobs ->  Hey Matt, thought I would tune in for a while.
20:16:46  matt montagne ->  glad you could kip!!!
20:17:42  mrsdurff ->  hi nacarid
20:17:49  nacarid ->  hola
20:17:56  mrsdurff ->  do you have sound?
20:18:07  nacarid ->  yes
20:18:11  mrsdurff ->  :)
20:18:16  nacarid ->  perfect
20:18:30  mrsdurff ->  that's it - I gonna stop breathing
20:18:41  Peggy George ->  that's a great statistic!! powerful!
20:19:06  matt montagne ->  welcome nacarid!
20:19:46  nacarid ->  thank you matt
20:19:53  mrsdurff ->  hi maureen
20:19:57  mrsdurff ->  hi pan
20:19:59  mrsdurff ->  pam
20:20:02  matt montagne ->  hi maureen and pam!
20:20:03  mrsdurff ->  typeeze
20:20:08  shoemap ->  howdy durff
20:20:22  Maureen ->  Hi Lisa, Matt
20:20:27  derrallg ->  Hi Pam
20:20:37  shoemap ->  Hi there, Derrall
20:21:11  matt montagne ->  wow
20:21:15  matt montagne ->  sobering
20:21:17  Peggy George ->  it's so clear that something has to change!!
20:24:28  matt montagne ->  hello funfrock...welcome to earthcast 2010. You're listening to our keynote presenter, Jason Czarnezki, who is southern china
20:24:33  mrsdurff ->  hi fun
20:24:42  mrsdurff ->  do you have sound fun?
20:25:21  Peggy George ->  is it a question of educating people or just getting people to act on the scinece/information??
20:25:49  matt montagne ->  I think the policy is a whole different animal...
20:26:28  mrsdurff ->  what a snub
20:26:32  matt montagne ->  all the 'snubs' were so, so strange
20:27:08  Peggy George ->  what a dramatic event!!! good for them for barging in on the meeting
20:27:53  matt montagne ->  him Kim!
20:27:58  mrsdurff ->  kim is here
20:28:06  mrsdurff ->  all is right with the world
20:28:09  derrallg ->  hi Kim
20:28:19  mrsdurff ->  hi nacarid
20:28:23  mrsdurff ->  oops
20:28:28  kcaise ->  hi everyone!
20:28:31  mrsdurff ->  i need more coffee
20:28:42  Peggy George ->  politics are so frustrating!!
20:29:07  Peggy George ->  seems like we need to get things out of the committees!!
20:29:18  mrsdurff ->  the politicians are the really frustrating ones
20:29:23  mrsdurff ->  hi stefan
20:30:13  matt montagne ->  hello Stefan...welcome to the opening hour of Earthcast 2010!
20:30:28  mrsdurff ->  clean coal is one of those oxymoronic statements
20:30:31  matt montagne ->  Jason has to give a TED Talk I think!
20:30:48  Peggy George ->  I agree Matt!
20:31:10  matt montagne ->  I agree Durff...clean and coal don't belong in the same sentence
20:31:30  derrallg ->  there are cranes everywhere and no single story buildings
20:32:08  matt montagne ->  please think of questions you might have for Jason and enter them in the chat
20:32:34  matt montagne ->  staggering
20:32:48  mrsdurff ->  Is there population really increasing that much?
20:32:57  mrsdurff ->  yes
20:32:58  Peggy George ->  hearing great
20:33:03  shoemap ->  yes
20:33:52  mrsdurff ->  wb stefan
20:34:08  stefan ->  thx
20:35:06  derrallg ->  How close or different will China's growth and cleaning up of their environment be like what the US went through?
20:35:20  mrsdurff ->  so it's really OUR carbon footprint, isn't it?
20:35:31  matt montagne ->  thanks Durff and Derrall for your questions...
20:35:53  Peggy George ->  so true and Americans are huge consumers!!
20:36:09  matt montagne ->  so much posturing...incredible
20:36:13  mrsdurff ->  Catch 22
20:37:07  matt montagne ->  jason's thesis here is pretty compelling...the link b/t the US and China is so strong
20:37:24  Peggy George ->  makes it seem so hopeless! I'm listening for Jason to give us the hopeful news about things we can do to make a difference--if there are things!!
20:38:32  matt montagne ->  welcome to Earthcast 2010, Angela!
20:38:32  Durff ->  hi angela
20:38:40  angela ->  hi guys!
20:38:53  Durff ->  actually, I'm a girl
20:38:56  angela ->  haha
20:38:56  matt montagne ->  you're joining our keynote in progress...our keynoter is Jason Czarneski and he is joining us from south china
20:39:03  angela ->  cool
20:39:25  Peggy George ->  regulations and enforcement are very intersting points! do we have any "teeth" when it comes to enforcement?
20:39:25  matt montagne ->  welcome chla!
20:39:27  Durff ->  hi chia
20:40:00  chla ->  hi
20:43:11  shoemap ->  I'd like to hear Jason's thoughts about the data from the UK lab that has become so politicized in the US. So many people don't believe that humans have a big role in climate change.
20:44:13  matt montagne ->  me too, Pam...I'll ask that
20:47:22  JL ->  In the States (and in some of our classrooms) there are those who doubt the Greenhouse Effect and its human cause.  How about China and other BASIC countries?
20:47:29  Peggy ->  lost my connection! had to change browsers
20:47:32  Durff ->  just lost all bandwidth - ah those teens and their bandwidth hoggers
20:47:49  Peggy ->  no teenagers her to blame it on!
20:47:58  Peggy ->  here
20:49:47  Peggy ->  if people don't "believe" in the greenhouse effect they think it excuses them from having to make any changes
20:50:00  Durff ->  exactly
20:51:37  shoemap ->  wow. all three have on a tie!
20:52:06  Peggy ->  what a great story!!
20:53:18  Peggy ->  and we tend to listen to people who are saying what we agree with :-)
20:53:39  kcaise ->  jeff too?
20:53:59  kcaise ->  didnt know this was a formal event
20:54:15  matt montagne ->  welcome susan!
20:54:51  Durff ->  hi elizabeth
20:55:32  Durff ->  How quickly?
20:56:49  Peggy ->  it's the information overload in the US that he mentioned that is such a problem--people think that there is so much conflicting information that there is no reason for them to act on it
20:57:01  Durff ->  indeed
20:57:23  Durff ->  we need to live more simply so others may simply live
20:58:16  matt montagne ->  fairly similar to the US...we generally recognize climate change is a problem, but we don't want to negatively impact growth...
20:58:19  Durff ->  40%
20:58:28  Durff ->  that's a lot
20:59:01  Peggy ->  how likely is that to happen? carbon taxation?
21:00:00  Peggy ->  very persuasive presentation Jason!! Thank you!
21:00:14  Durff ->  Where can we purchase this book?
21:00:26  Durff ->  Does he Twitter?
21:00:39  Durff ->  Is it on Amazon?
21:00:47  Peggy ->  Everyday Environmentalism! what a great title!
21:00:50  matt montagne ->  not yet durff
21:01:09  stefan ->  Congrats on the book Jason. Good stuff, Jeff!
21:01:32  matt montagne ->  that is a badly needed research project
21:01:39  Peggy ->  we'll be watching for the tweets on the release of the book!
21:01:44  kjacobs ->  Thanks for the talk. Jason.
21:02:06  Peggy ->  http://vermontlaw.edu
21:02:12  Czarnezki ->  www.vermont2china.wordpress.com
21:02:55  derrallg ->  great information
21:03:24  Peggy ->  Thank you Jason!!
21:03:27  shoemap ->  Thanks!
21:03:33  derrallg ->  thank you
21:04:27  Peggy ->  earth day ties :-)
21:04:35  Peggy ->  wonderful!!
21:04:36  derrallg ->  wow a moment to celebrate
21:04:36  kcaise ->  cool!
21:04:50  Peggy ->  love it!! Korea is between heart and stomach!!
21:05:10  kcaise ->  what are you teaching now jeff?
21:05:19  Durff ->  :)
21:05:31  Peggy ->  excellent streaming!!
21:05:33  Durff ->  \all your susan
21:05:45  shoemap ->  Great start to Earthcast! 
21:06:00  matt montagne ->  thanks, Pam
21:06:08  matt montagne ->  I agree...great start
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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

What is Earthcast Flyer

Earthbridges.net - Tue, 2010-04-20 15:46

What is Earthcast? Take a look at the embedded document for the FAQ's on this upcoming event.

Be sure to tune in live for 24 hours starting at 0 GMT on 22 April, 2010 (Earth Day!!!

A shout out to Earthcast Team member Lisa Durff for creating this resource document.


What is Earthcast

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Webcast Academy Open House - Earthcast 2010 Prep

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2010-04-11 05:23

Open House and Prep for Earthcast 2010 - http://earthbridges.net/

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

SpEdTeach2 Introduction and Preamble

Webcast Academy - Wed, 2010-02-10 20:11

This is my brief audio file introduction.  It is great to be on board! - SpEdTeach2

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed


Webcast Academy - Mon, 2009-12-14 17:15

Despite several computer glitches and other related technical challenges, all participants declared that the show was a huge success.

Here is the edited version submitted for your perusal and listening pleasure...Enjoy!!

Please click here for my Webcast Portfolio.  My chatlog is below.

Ustream links:  Gradcast  and Pictures

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed


Webcast Academy - Mon, 2009-11-23 04:54

Show Notes:   - Interncast #3

Due to my speaker not being muted, and another pc running the Ustream channel in the same room, there was some amount of feedback. 

The Theme of this  Interncast could best be described as “Music Fever.”

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed


Webcast Academy - Fri, 2009-11-13 16:33

During the recording of this show, I had several pc issues plus the quality of the phone service of the interviewee, who was in Atlanta, was at times not the greatest.   Despite these issues we managed to get the show on the road.  Overall, it proved to be very interesting indeed.

Cricket, lovely cricket!!!!!!

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