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Webcast Academy - Sat, 2007-05-19 02:46

I learn along with wonderful people at school. Many of them are called students and I am often called a teacher, but I think these definitions are becoming more and more blurred!

Webcasts Interncast#1:  Barbara Ganley Presentation (part 2) & post-show discussion with Kathy & Lisa Webcast Report (Interncast #1):  Kathy Shields and I continued the conversation with Barbara Ganley after the WiAOC2007 Interncast#2:  Webcasy Academy Class of 2.2 Webcast Report (Interncast #2):  Listen to Cheryl, Jose and I discuss audio issues during a recent openhouse.
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

WIAOC2007 Webcastathon

Webcast Academy - Thu, 2007-05-17 02:31
Teach me to stream and I will do two more hours .... how's that for bribery?
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Streamers Needed, Tech Changes, & Future Sessions

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2007-05-13 02:40
Hello Academy Interns,

   As most of you are probably aware, the Webcast Academy has been pretty dormant for the last few months. Hopefully,  that will change very soon.

WiAOC2007  Webcast

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

WiAOC 2007 Webcastathon

Webcast Academy - Wed, 2007-05-02 01:22
This node was used for webcast planning.
For achives of this event, please visit http://www.webheadsinaction.org/wiaoc2007

The Worldbridges Webcastathon - May 18~20
in association with WiAOC 2007

(for late breaking schedule updates, visit schedule.wiaoc.org)


Interns, feel free to grab spots now by editing this page. We hope to have two simulcasters when possible, so please add your name in the streamer column if you're available to 'simulcast'.

May 17, 2007 GMT Presentation Venue Streamers
22:01 Red Carpet Coverage Worldbridges.net
23:01 Worldbridges Welcome Reception & Introductions
(audio introductions - live and voicemailed) Worldbridges.net

Friday,  May 18, 2007

GMT Presentation Venue Streamers 00:01
Leigh Blackall  Keynote address
Jeff L
A cyber faculty lounge for educators to dicuss what they're working on, questions they have, and challenges they're encountering
Jeong-Bae Son, Vance Stevens, Andrew Lian, Debra Hoven, Klaus-Dieter Rossade, Siew Ming Thang
Computer-mediated communication: CONNECTing in a multiliterate flat world  (90 mins)
LT Elluminate
 Elaine Hoter, Asmaa Ganayim and Miri Shonfeld
Building bridges between cultures in conflict Interwise
Glenda McPherson and Malcolm Jolly
Using Second Life for competency outcomes in vocational education (90 mins) LT Elluminate
Graham Stanley and Kyle Mawer
Digital Gaming & Language Learners: From Space Invaders to Second Life (90 mins)
LT Elluminate
 Vance Stevens, Nelba Quintana, Rita Zeinstejer, and Sasha Sirk
Writingmatrix: CONNECTing students with blogs, tags, and social networking
LT Elluminate Jeff L
  Paul Scott and Catherine Chapman
Contact us: Interactivity and BBC Learning English
  (90 mins)
LT Elluminate
 Michael Coghlan and Elderbob Brannan (15:30)
"..."(an unconference) Knowplace.ca
 Celine Godet
Using Moodle and Spip in the EFL classroom: The example of the "Intercomstudents" project
LT Elluminate
 Nina Liakos
Engrade.com: An open-source online gradebook  DiscoverE

 Dafne Gonzalez and Arnold Muhren
Seven innovative dimensions of e-learning
Keynote conversation with Susanne Nyrop

Jeff L
 Rubena St.Louis
Can a blended reading course work? Feedback from participants
 Elderbob Brannan
hosts UnConference Session #1

 Elderbob Brannan
wrapup of UnConference Session #1

Saturday, May 19, 2007 GMT Presentation Venue Streamers 00:01
Barbara Ganley
Border Crossings and Contact Zones: Transformative Learning with Social Software across (Traditional) Educational Settings

LT Elluminate Jeff L
 KathyShields & Lisa Durff
continue the conversation, keynote, postshowand more
Webheadsinaction.org Kathy
Mona Younes
Using ARCS model to motivate adult Arab learners in an online setting: IOL as a case study LT Elluminate
 Tom Leverett
How blogging is changing the academic ecosystem
Perry Christensen
iPods: Shuffling the way we teach
 Michael Coghlan
hosts UnConference Session #2

 Michael Coghlan
wrapup of UnConference Session #2

 Elderbob Brannan
hosts UnConference Session #3

 Elderbob Brannan
wrapup of UnConference Session #3

 Peter Travis
Podcasting Skype interviews with advanced learners of English
LT Elluminate
George Siemens Keynote address
Connections and Conversations: What happens to content?
LT Elluminate Jeff Flynn
Moira Hunter and Mabel Quiroga
The AEIOU of Real-Time Language Learning - Attract, Engage, Involve Online Users

DafneGozalez and Teresa Almeida d'Eça
Professional development through collaboration in wikis
 Andrew Pinchon
Seamless Web 2.0 collaboration tools for business and non-profit education professionals
Moira Hunter and Geoff Kaye (90 mins)
DiscoverE - A 'test drive' in a synchronous classroom: Hands on workshop

Teemu Leinonen Keynote address
Jeff Lebow
Robin Good Keynote address
Jeff Lebow
Anne Fox
Using podcasts in the EFL classroom
  (90 mins)
LT Elluminate
 Sedat Akayoglu
Collaborative writing through PBWikis
LT Elluminate
Elizabeth Hanson-Smith
Trends in Digital Media 2007
LT Elluminate
May 20, 2007 GMT Presentation Venue Streamers 00:01 Karen Garcia
Tagging and broadcasting with feeds: The use of RSS feeds beyond aggregates and syndication
LT Elluminate
 Sara Rofofsky Markus
What does it really mean? Cultural differences in Asynchronous Communication

 Michael Coghlan
hosts UnConference Session #4

 Michael Coghlan
hosts UnConference Session #4

 Heike Philp
The LANCELOT Project
LT Elluminate
Heike Philp
The LANCELOT Project
Second Life
GavinDudeney and Nicky Hockly
Get a MUVE On - Education in Second Life

Stephen Downes Keynote address
Personal Learning the Web 2.0 Way

Jeff Lebow
 Dave Cormier and Jeff Lebow
 Educationbridges Town Hall - updates & plans for assorted Educationbriges and EdTechTalk projects Worldbridges.net
Webheadsinaction.org Dave
Konrad Glogowski and Christopher Sessums
Personal Learning Environments - Exploring Professional Development in a Networked World
(90 mins)

 Webcast Academy Open House
Beyond the technology - Exploring application & developmentpossibilities for this collaborative learning community WebcastAcademy.net
Jeff Lebow
 Elderbob Brannan
hosts UnConference Session #5

Sharon Peters
conversation with Noble Kelly who is president of Teachers Without Borders Canada

Barbara Dieu and Patricia Glogowski
Open and Participatory Webpublishing
  (90 mins)
Webheadsinaction.org Graham
 EdTechWeekly#31 Worldbridges.net
Webheadsinaction.org Dave
Carla Arena, Erika Cruvinel, and Ronaldo Lima
Blogging with Students: Ideas to Enhance Communication
In convergence with AALDP -American Association of Literacy Professional Developers
Panel discussion wrap-up of recent EVO sessions EdTechTalk Tappedin.org


Jeff L

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

PodcampNYC Webcast Coverage

Webcast Academy - Sat, 2007-04-14 17:43

Webcast Coverage of PodcampNYC
April 7, 2007
The New Yorker Hotel
New York, NY
PodampNYC.org   Flickr Photos

Click To PlayJohn C. Havens of pvandv.com, about.com, & lead organizer of PodcampNYC
Click To PlaySteve Rosenbaum of Magnify.net
Click To Play

Discussion with Gary Leland 
of PodcastPickle.com 

Click To PlayDr. Kathy King fields a question
from Chrissy in New Zealand
Click To PlayGetting to know Podango
Click To PlayCC Chapman, of Crayon & Podshow
See CC's Podcamp PixAll videos below

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Worldbridges PodcampNYC Webcast Part 1

Webcast Academy - Sat, 2007-04-14 17:41
Part one of our coverage from PodcampNYC. Recorded during a live webcast on April 7, 2007.
This portion includes discussions with:

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

podcamp atlanta right now! streaming?

Webcast Academy - Sat, 2007-03-17 13:17

Hey all,

I'm at podcamp atl and I will try to stream at 3:15.  Most of the attendees are interested in commercial podcasting but I will push on regardless of the nmber of participants I have in my session, podcasting is elementary. 

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Finally, once and for all, the WOW2 February 21 The Flat Classroom Show

Webcast Academy - Wed, 2007-03-14 02:36

So here it is!  It's on my podomatic Common Knowledge site.  I only had some GAETC interviews on there and coincidently I had interviewed the WOW ladies!  A double listen! 

This episode captures the conversation between Vicki Davis and Julie Lindsay



Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Speed Testspeed

Webcast Academy - Tue, 2007-02-27 11:52
Now that we have all done the internet speed test mentioned on the Edtechtalk show (thank you for the GREAT links & Jen's persistance and unwaivering optimism!), how do I increase my speed. It is less than 1/2 of the best, averaging 1520 or so....
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Screen Capture Images of Webcast setup

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2007-02-25 19:20
I continue to be amazed at how variable webcasting setups can be on different machines.   I finally got this HP Pavilion desktop setup properly (I think) and before I forgot all the specific settings, I took this screen capture to remind myself.  Thought it might be useful to build  an archive of such screenshots to help those that follow (or forget).  This if for an Hewlett Packard Pavilion a1640n PC Desktop with Windows XP

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

The Intern Show 1.2

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2007-02-18 21:05
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Assignments (so I can find them)

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2007-02-18 15:55
Tentative Curriculum Topic#1 Recording telephony calls and basic audio editing Topic#2 Basic Streaming Topic#3 Hosting, interviewing, & show management skills Topic#4 Post-production and advanced audio editing Topic#5 Different webcast environments and telephony programs (i.e. Second Life, Paltalk, Gizmo) Finals Week Relay May 18
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

In which Vance achieves Eureka moment in recording both sides of a Skype conversation

Webcast Academy - Mon, 2007-02-12 12:03
This recording captures the aha moment in when Vance managed to get Audacity to record both sides of a Skype conversation, with the help of Jeff and Graham. Graham, Vance, and Jeff then go on to talk about controlling audio levels through the various applications running, and then recap settings in Sounds and Audio Devices in Control Panel, in Windows Volume Control, and in the applications Audacity, Virtual Audio Cables, and Skype, in the hopes that this verbal description might help others who are similarly stuck as I was - Vance
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Two way skype conversation recording

Webcast Academy - Mon, 2007-02-12 03:10
Conversation with a colleague in Spanish. Recorded with Pamela and edited with Audacity.
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Catherine's Intro

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2007-02-11 07:00
I used my PC and Audacity (only) to creat this brief intro. I had a very inexpensive headset, which to my ears sounds not as bad as I'd feared. I am grateful for the Audacity tutorials (and Jeff/ Lee's advice about the LAME file) to get here, finally. Thx for your patience!
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Adventures in Webcasting

Webcast Academy - Wed, 2007-02-07 00:11
It was going to go so smoothly. We both got online an hour early and did some testing. Everything seemed like a go. Only, I didn't notice until 15 minutes into the show that I was the only one being recorded. As badly as I would like to post a show...I can't subject listeners to my one sided chucklefest. Lisa did a superb intro and I then I asked her what she'd been doing. It was all very exciting, until I noticed that when she was the only one talking we didn't have any bars on nicecast. Hmmm, we tried me calling her, me skypecasting her, Lisa skyping me etc for a whole hour.

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Graduation / Certification Issues

Webcast Academy - Mon, 2007-02-05 04:11
We finally have a basic 'Webcaster Portfolio' content type that can be used by interns to apply for 'certification' and  serve as a personal portfolio beyond that.   Interns can check it out by clicking ' Create Content/ Webcaster Portfolio'

A few issues to sort out:

A)  How can be make the portfolio content type better.

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

The 100th Day Celebrations this past week in 1st grade!

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2007-02-04 03:14
A podcast by 1st graders describing how they celebrated the 100th day.
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Feb. 03 Skype Conference for Team 06 GVC

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2007-02-04 01:40
I did it! On the first try too!

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

The lonely Skypecast

Webcast Academy - Tue, 2007-01-30 23:46
The was perhaps the loneliest and quietest hour I have ever spent! Thank you to the one brave soul who showed up to talk a bit. And GStanley, get better! I assume that no one wants that great vastness of silence to be uploaded, you will only hear me typing as I answered my email. Well, one good thing, a kid I thought would never do his homework, just wrote a blog entry (homework) - I sit amazed! What is my next step towards webcasting with kids?
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed


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