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Chris Craft's 1 minute phone conversation

Webcast Academy - Tue, 2007-01-30 11:40
This is a recording of a skype conference call I hosted and recorded. I just randomly chopped out around 2 minutes. Audio quality is good, fairly even, but since we were all over the world, sometimes the Internet connections caused a blip.
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

2nd phone call Barbara Green-Studer

Webcast Academy - Tue, 2007-01-30 10:32
This recording is more balanced than the first I posted here, where my partner is heard much louder than my own input. Here I called a regular phone from my skype account and increased the level of my USB Logitech mic to about 80%.
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Lifelong Member of Webcast Academy

Webcast Academy - Tue, 2007-01-30 02:27
I still have not gotten to the place where I can use Audacity to record both ends of a Skype conversation. But I did not want our Puffin Adverture to go un-recorded. So I gathered all 103 third grade students in the media center, dialed up Susan of Project Puffin and left the rest to the kids. I used a Belkin microphone attached to my iPod and edited the file with Audacity. It is far from perfect - but learning was done by all! Dumb me forgot to hit the record button on the iPod for the intro - duh! http://nhe.dare.k12.nc.us/parent-student/well-worth-the-travel-tim.shtml
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed


Webcast Academy - Mon, 2007-01-29 03:44
This audio was recorded with the PC sound recorder, edited with Audacity. I used my PC and a headset microphone.
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Workshop 2.1.3

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2007-01-28 22:54
Workshop 2.1.3
January 28, 2007

Download mp3 General troubleshooting, a discussion of show possibiilities, and lots of audio adjustments.

This week's assignment: (same as last week) post a short clip of a skype recording.  Also post requests for streaming assistance to webcast experimental shows. 

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

School Newspaper Online

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2007-01-28 02:42
I am looking for the best place to start our student newspaper online. On what should we put it? What has worked for you? My goals are to save trees, to disseminate to our community easily, and to teach Web 2.0 applications. All suggestions will be appreciated!
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Missing Sykecast recording

Webcast Academy - Sat, 2007-01-27 01:52
Anyone seen it? Last observed on this blog hanging out - may have skipped town with the tape and stapler from the teacher's desk. If found, please return...
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed


Webcast Academy - Fri, 2007-01-26 11:21

Hi All,

I've been using ID3-TagIT to add meta data to my MP3 files.  

Here's a quick screencast.

Good luck class of 2.0.1!

- Alex 

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Skypecast Recording

Webcast Academy - Fri, 2007-01-26 02:19
Listen to the mp3 of GStanley's Skypecast about Skypecasting.
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Audacity Video Tutorial - Editing Volume

Webcast Academy - Fri, 2007-01-26 00:34

Here is a video for Audacity .. how to edit volume on pre-recorded audio. I did not record sound but I have a text message at the end of the video. Just trying different methods of using video!

I created a larger picture video here ! (takes longer to load)

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Webcast academy class assignment list?

Webcast Academy - Wed, 2007-01-24 10:48
Is there a list of assignments anywhere, so I can get a look ahead?
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Open Web Publishing Week 1 Webcast with Clarence Fisher

Webcast Academy - Mon, 2007-01-22 02:23
On Saturday (January 20th) the Open Web Publishing EVO2007 session held a synchronous session with special guest speaker Clarence Fisher.
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed


Webcast Academy - Sun, 2007-01-21 16:31
Trying again. Persistence is the foundation to success.
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed


Webcast Academy - Sun, 2007-01-21 15:05
Here is my intro created with audacity on a PC laptop with a Logitech USB mic. I had no idea I said so many "uhs..." when I talk! I tried editing some of them, most imperfectly. Enjoy! Looking forward to learning more.... Sharon Peters
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Workshop 2.1.2

Webcast Academy - Sat, 2007-01-20 05:37
Workshop 2.1.2
Recording a telephony conversation
January 21, 2007
Download mp3

Once you've recorded and posted your introduction, your next challenge is recording a telephony conversation.  There are a variety of way to do this.

If you want to record the conversation without streaming it to via the shoutcast server, you can use a number of skype 'extras',  3rd party recording programs, or telephony programs that support recording.  More info here.

If you want to record the conversation and stream it via the Shoutcast server, things get a bit more challenging. Methods vary based on operating system, sound card, and an assortment of other variables, but generally requires either a desktop USB mic or a USB headset that has two separate inputs (one for the mic and one for the earphoens).  It is doable with a 'regular' headset, but thusfar sound quality has been poorer and echo issues have been unavoidable. It is also doable using some kind of external mixer, but we have not yet experimented much with that method.  Windows users will most likely need to use Virtual Audio Cables , while Mac uses will need to use Audio Hijack Pro

This weeks task:  post a short (about 1 minute) recording of both ends of a telephony conversation using whatever method you can.
You can try to contact other interns or friends for the recording or if no one is available, you can call 'Skype lady' at 'echo123'

Chat Log Below /

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed


Webcast Academy - Sat, 2007-01-20 02:11
A primary student talks about and reads a book in a podcast. It's very short. It is the top episode. Click download and it should play automatically without signing in to the site. http://bca.podOmatic.com
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Lo siento, Mea culpa, I apologize!

Webcast Academy - Wed, 2007-01-17 23:26
This evening I had a very nice little chat with durff (aka Lisa). She and I wound up in a skype call after the skypecast got flooded by a bunch of hooligans!

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed


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