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Insider's Analysis: Webcast Academy as a Learning Community

Webcast Academy - Tue, 2006-12-05 14:09

I have posted about the recent reaction paper I had to submit for my Masters course, which examines the Academy as an online learning community, over at EducationBridges.  Please note that I feel this barely covers the wide range of issues I looked at when researching for the paper.  I had to cut back quite a lot to keep within the assigned word limit.


Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Finding a Metaphor for Success

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2006-12-03 20:59
This blog is an extension of some of the ideas discussed in today's' skype conference...The webcast academy already has several metaphors currently in use.  One is the 'academy' and the other is 'bridges'.  A third general metaphor is 'community'.  In a way having three 'identities' can be a little confusing.  A new visual model would serve as the hanger for new ideas. By visual I am mean image based as opposed to text based.  To me text is auditory, it's just an internal dialogue.  A site needs to have a strong metaphor and graphical interface if it's going to build a community image in the users mind.  Users need to construct a mental model of the community. They need to define their role as well as the roles of others. They must be able to find their way around the community easily, unless the goal is to create a maze and reward only those who can figure it out.It's like browsing a multidimensional universe.

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Meeting 1.3.7

Webcast Academy - Sat, 2006-12-02 17:03
Webcast Meeting 1.3.7
Download mp3

Our weekly discussion started by troubleshooting Anne's audio challenges (leaving her without any functional way of communicating with us) and then got into discussing the homestretch of this session and what lies beyond, and finally got into other issues of building Worldbridges and its component sites.

Chat Log Below

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Eurozone meeting

Webcast Academy - Fri, 2006-12-01 07:28

As Anne has already reported, she Niels and I tried to meet last night. I called a conference, then set up a Skypecast, then Niels set up a Skypecast and we ended up in Webhuddle. In the conference and the Skypecasts there were terrible echo problems. In the Webhuddle I simply could not find how to activate sound, and there did not seem to be any instructions anywhere. We were ejected unceremoniously after a shortish period.

 This is often a Beta world, isn't it? When things work it is impressive. But they often do not work and for reasons unknown to anyone around at the time. 

I have had experience of other Skypecasts in the last couple of days. It is a jungle. If you do not "mute all" and invite people to speak selectively, you are lost. And the language of some of the people that will start speaking if you don't stop them is not the sort of language you would want your grandmother to hear. 

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Recording success, communication failure

Webcast Academy - Thu, 2006-11-30 21:14

I have finally today succeeded in recording both ends of a telephony call after much playing with sound settings and after experimenting with a different computer and different versions of Audacity. My settings were as follows:

Equipment: Laptop with wireless connection

External USB sound board Audio Advantage Roadie

Headphones and mike plugged into the Roadie-
  1. Control Panel Settings
Ø          Audio: Recording, RoadieØ          Playback, RoadieØ          Voice: Recording RoadieØ          Playback Roadie
  1. Sound Properties
Ø          Recording: Stereo MixØ          Playback: Mike checked
  1. Audacity (ver 1.2.3) I/O
Ø          Audio in RoadieØ          Audio out: Roadie
  1. Skype
Ø          Audio in RoadieØ          Audio out RoadieØ          Let Skype decide: unchecked
  1. Audio Repeater
Ø          Wave in sound cardØ          Wave out: Roadie

I don't understand why this combination works. The settings in audio repeater seem to be exactly the opposite of those recommended in Jeff's screencast. I wish I understood more what I was doing!

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Removing and replacing battery seems to have resolved "sound issues" on my Dell Latitude D800

Webcast Academy - Wed, 2006-11-29 23:45

Wanted to share my experience of this afternoon regarding "audio issues" with my Dell Latitude D800 laptop. Out of nowhere I began having trouble with the sound on my laptop. The internal speakers weren't producing any sound -- no start-up/shut-down for Windows, or anything else -- and plugging in headphones led "white noise" but even that was extremely faint.

I went into the audio settings and everything seemed as it should be. Control Panel > System > Device Manager also indicated that everything was working as it should, although I still was unable to get any sound out of the machine.

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Broadcasting Live from Christa McAulliffe, Nashua NH.

Webcast Academy - Tue, 2006-11-28 22:43

This show is a shorter version of Women of Web 2.0.

Thanks to Maria Knee, Bob Sprankle, Alice Barr and Ed Trouble Latham. Cheryl Oakes recorded and mixed.

Thanks to Derek Miller for his music Meltdown Man.


Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

One baby step

Webcast Academy - Tue, 2006-11-28 18:18
I at least have a quick recording of the SkypeLady and me. Just used Pamela - but at least it is a very minor baby step. It is just a simple mono recording. Now, onward.
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Rapport on weekly intern webcastmeeting 1.3.6

Webcast Academy - Mon, 2006-11-27 08:15
Webcast Meeting 1.3.6

Jeff, Doug, Niels - and Kathy speaking about this agenda - and other interesting things for interns in the webacademy class 1.3.6. The meeting took place in a SkypeCast room under SKYPE v. 3.0 Recorded in Audacity - and edited just a little and streamed by Nies to Sandbox A and B - an by Jeff to Channel 1 and 2.The Chatrom was disabled - at "Plan B chat room" was set up by Jeff
Agenda 1. Welcome to intern meeting 1.3.6 2. Debate about the way of learning on Drypal/Moodle 3- Problems and solutions of this week 4. About editing the files after the recording? 5 Skype 3.0 - hosting a webcast? 6. Other subjects of this week 7 Round up
Host.: Niels Damgaard, Oslo
Download (27,3 MB)

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

4th Webcast for Women of Web 2.0

Webcast Academy - Mon, 2006-11-27 02:36

This show features a guest interview with Patsy Lanclos. Sharon was under the weather but Vicki, Cheryl and Jen were in the webcast. Thanks to Patsy for her great comments and vision.


Next Tuesday a live webcast, you will listen to at 9 PM as a podcast. Enjoy our live report coming to you From Christa McAulliffe Technology Conference, Nashua, NH. 

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Motivated to make things work...

Webcast Academy - Fri, 2006-11-24 14:10
Hi all, my podcast postings succeeded in attracting a special guest for my January webcast. Now the only hurdle to cross is actually recording and streaming b the last week in Jan! My grad semester ends in a week and I intend to devote mega hours making this all work for me. I hope to join the Sunday meeting this week. I've been having conflicts but as you know I've been listening in to the 2.0 show. I too have the sigma tell audio card and may attempt to do my next skypecast via my mac to see if it's any easier. Bottom line, I'll be 100% involved in about a week. Euro-minicast...great job! I enjoyed listening and may try to tune in on Thursday, at least as a listener in the chat room.

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

EuroMiniMeeting 23.11.06 - a report

Webcast Academy - Thu, 2006-11-23 20:09

Here is the report on our meeting today Thursday the 23.11.06 in the Euro-very-Mini-group - only 2 attentans!

Dennis was hosting the meeting in the webcastroom - and I Niels was recording in Audacity - and straming to sandbox A and B with SAM.

We startet with a bit of Danish music - have a good conversation - and ended up with a little music - just for fun!

Ther was nobydy in the chatroom today - only Dave was inside for some few minutes.

Download (14,47 MB)


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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Fourth (not third) Euro-zone mini-meeting - Skypecast

Webcast Academy - Thu, 2006-11-23 10:53

I have set up a Skypecast, as promised, for tonight 19:00 GMT (I will actually be online 15 mins earlier).


-  We may move away from Skypecast at some point and go off somewhere quiet - Webhuddle, perhaps. It depends how many we are.


If we do, I will use the password Eurozone for the meeting. 


Keywords for finding us on Skype are:  Dennis eurozone webcastinginterns and Niels 


Cheers,   Dennis 

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

My Latest SoundCard News

Webcast Academy - Thu, 2006-11-23 02:06

I have reached the end of SigmaTel soundcard knowledge.  I happen to have the same issue on my laptop, which is my school machine, and my desktop, which is my home machine.  Both being Dell, both having SigmaTel soundcards.  Both not giving me the option of StereoMix for recording.  I have tried the suggested drivers on both machines.  When I updated the driver on the laptop it worked for about 5 minutes then the sound crashed and there was no sound at all.  I rolled back the driver, and was back to square one.  On the second try of updating the soundcard driver it worked for a few minutes, then crashed the sound.  I have had no luck with the desktop at all. 

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Need to stop here for a while, hope to get back later

Webcast Academy - Thu, 2006-11-23 01:33
SusNy, DK Dear friends, I am afraid I'll have to follow Bengt's example and leave this Academy class for now. First of all I need to make both ends meet in my private as well as my professional life. Then, I also regret not having the necessary technical skills for doing this - at least not without a huge lot of hard work which is not realistic for the time being. Second Life in education is something that I would want to explore in a more back leaned mode in my free time (when I'm not doing courses, exam work or writing on my own final). Anyway, who knows if there will be found easier and more handy solutions for webcasting in a near future, that even a not so techie like myself could handle.

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WOW 2.0 Great job last night!

Webcast Academy - Wed, 2006-11-22 13:51
Cheryl you are really getting the hang of this.  I am so impressed with the lineup.  Will you or are you posting your speaker schedule?  Vicki asks excellent questions.  Next time I'll just listen and won't tie up a line.  
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

New version of SKYPE 3.0 Beta

Webcast Academy - Wed, 2006-11-22 11:03
A new version of SKYPE is on the air - version 3.0

Read this story from Kolabora News (my favorit "Guru" - Robin Good)

New design - and some new extras!
Do we need to make a new screencast about our way of using this program?


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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

I am over my head

Webcast Academy - Wed, 2006-11-22 01:06
I have just finished reading all the new blog posts. I still haven't even got the Skype lady recorded. I think I may be over my head for the time I have available. I am planning on sticking around and maybe I can find some open slots to work on this. I will continue to read what is happening with this very creative group. Keep up the good work everyone. Hope to post a success next time And I planned on joining the Webheads in January. Sure hope stuff slows down at work and home.
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

EuroMini Meeting 3 Thursday 16.11.06

Webcast Academy - Tue, 2006-11-21 13:02

Webcast Academy EuroMeeting 2
Thursday, Nov. 16, 200
Download mp3 (Only part of the recording due to an ecco-problem)

  • The “round” - where are you? – what are your problems/solutions now?
  • How can we best help others - in this little Euro-group?
  • Reports on AVC – anyone learned more?
  • Report on i-Sound from Niels
  • Reflections on content in our coming podcasts – who want to do what?
  • Round up – decision on meeting time – next week?
Chat Log not recorded

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Eurozone meeting 23 November 06 When?

Webcast Academy - Tue, 2006-11-21 12:35

Here is the URL tocheck the time for the meeting in your zone. (Thanks Niels).








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