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Updated: 1 hour 48 min ago

2009 Kia Morning

Sun, 2021-05-23 11:05
Classified Ad Type: Location: Neighborhood: Jeonggwan-eup, Gijang-gunContact person by email

--2009 Kia Morning--

101,000 km

No accidents, 2 owners

front and back cameras already installed

A/C and heat, heated seats

backup sensors

Minor scratches, some paint peeling on the side mirrors

Freshly changed oil, wash + detail

Runs well, no issues!

gasoline, automatic

3.5 million

Available starting in July

please call me for pictures and more info @ 010-7664-9642

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

BAORUITENG Retro Game Console

Sun, 2021-05-23 10:00
Classified Ad Type: Location: Neighborhood: Haeundae-Marine cityContact person by email BAORUITENG Handheld Game Console, Retro Arcade Mini Game Console for Game Player with 3 Inch 512 Games 32 Bit Portable Game Console,Birthday Gift for Children (Black)


20 000


text me at 010 4078 5212

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Board and Card Games for Sale Part 2

Sun, 2021-05-23 09:30
Classified Ad Type: Location: Neighborhood: Haeundae-Marine cityContact person by email

Here is a current list of my current Board and card games for sale:.

Text me at 010 4078 5212 if you are interested.


Games I am selling:

                           (New games never used)

  1. Wizards wanted, new, price 25 000
  2. Game For Fame new, Price 25 000
  3. Avalon                     new          10 000
  4. Treasure Trouble     new         5500
  5. Captain TCG      New        5 000
  6. Magic the Gathering Starter new 10 000


Used Games


Munchkin Deluxe, used once

(20 000)

Taboo Kids VS Parents, (15 000)

Feed the Frog  (5000)

Go Fish              (2000)

Ghost (5000) Ghost Chess

Disney Pictopia (15 000)

Cranium , used once (10 000)

Chutes & ladders (3000)

Candy Land (3000)

Operation (3000)

Clue Junior (5000)

Bears Vs Babies (7500)

Taco,cat goat cheese pizza (3500)

Saboteur  (3500)

Battle Line   (3500)

Go Nuts!      (3500)

Unstable Unicorns      (5000)

Too Many Monkeys    (3500)

Onitama                  (10 000)

Catan Junior          (10 000)

Bamboozled           (5000)

Lost cities  (3500)

Clash of the Cards never used (5000)

Five Crowns Junior  (3500)

Operation                (3500)

Chess travel pack      (2500)

Memory,crazy 8’s,Go Fish,slapjack, matching, 6 games in one (7000)

Wig Out                      (2000)

Guess Who?             (5000)

Blokus                         (5000)

Uno Korean              (1000)

Sequence                   (5000)

Life                              (5000)

Bowling                      (5000)

HEDBANZ             (5000)

Blink                      (2000)

Charades for Kids (4000)

Reversi                    (1000)

Pack of cards         (1000)

Pictionary Card game (5000)

Jenga                         (3000)

Harry Potter Magical Beasts (5000)


















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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

move out item for sale (Pusan National University)

Sun, 2021-05-23 07:38
Classified Ad Type: Location: Neighborhood: Near Pusan National University (Geumjeong-gu)Contact person by email

For Sale Item

1. Electric heater (36 x 45 cm) 5000 KRW

2. Electric Fan (16 inch) 10000 KRW

3. Heater Mattress (single) 10000 KRW

4. Small Table (80 x 60 x 26 cm) 12000 KRW

5. Small Buffet Cabinet with 4 drawers (40 x 40 x 60 cm)  made of light wood material 15000 KRW

* all the items still working properly

*only for cash on delivery (COD) near Pusan National University

for more information contact me on KAKAOTALK 01029834438


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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Coffee cups

Sat, 2021-05-22 08:37
Classified Ad Type: Location: Neighborhood: Busan Contact person by email

Hi I am selling new never used coffee cups .One cup 10000 w  if you buy 3 it's W 25000 

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

One studio of Dongseo university , near Naengjeong subway

Sat, 2021-05-22 01:03
Classified Ad Type: Location: Contact person by email

House places near Dongseo Univesity and Naengjeong subway

Key money : 3 mil won

Monthly rental fee: 350,000 won

Service Utility : Internet , wife, water , air conditioner , wash machine, stove, refrigerator , bed ,

desk, computer tv. parking ,

Eletricity  and Gas have to be paid by tenant


Contact: [email protected],  051-817-9996







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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Korean Test Practice with Billy [Ep. 29] – Intermediate Korean (Listening Practice)

Fri, 2021-05-21 18:25





Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Korean Test Practice with Billy [Ep. 29] – Intermediate Korean (Listening Practice)

Fri, 2021-05-21 18:24

If you're preparing for a test, you need as much practice as you can get. But even if you're not preparing for a test, being able to analyze Korean and solve problems is an important skill to have - even for daily conversations with friends.

So I've put together this series for you to practice of various difficulty levels from Beginner to Advanced. Try to solve the ones that match your current level.

Here is the listening example:

오늘도 저희 지하철을 이용해 주시는 고객 여러분들께 감사 인사를 드립니다. 현재 이용하고 계시는 지하철 노선은 일부 지하철역의 보수 공사 문제로 인해 이번 달까지만 정상 운영이 될 예정입니다. 다음 달 1일부터는 노선이 변경되어 일부 역에 정차하지 않을 예정입니다. 보수 공사를 진행하는 역은 빌리역, 키캣역, 고고역이며, 3달간 공사가 진행될 예정입니다. 해당 역을 이용하시는 고객 여러분들께서는 다른 교통 편을 이용해 주시기 바랍니다. 다시 한번 안내 말씀드립니다. 본 지하철 노선은 다음 달 1일부터 당분간 일부 역에 정차하지 않을 예정이오니 이 점 참고하시어 이용에 불편함이 없으시길 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

We would like to say thanks to you, our customer, again today for using our subway. The subway line you are currently will continue normal operation only for this month, due to repair work on some sections of the subway station. From the 1st of next month, the line will change, and will not stop at these stations. The stations proceeding with repair work are Billy Station, Keykat Station, and GoGo Station, and the construction is expected to last for a period of three months. We hope that customers who use these stations will use different transportation ways. Once more. This subway line will not stop at a few stations for a short while, starting from the 1st of next month, so we hope you will please note this to not have any inconvenience to your usage (of the subway). Thank you.

The post Korean Test Practice with Billy [Ep. 29] – Intermediate Korean (Listening Practice) appeared first on Learn Korean with GO! Billy Korean.

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

F6 Visa ESL Teacher Looking for a 1-2 Days/Week Teaching Job

Fri, 2021-05-21 00:32
Classified Ad Type: Location: Contact person by email

Hello, I am an enthusiastic and highly skilled teacher with a F6 Visa and more than 14 years of experience teaching ESL for kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school and university students. I am currently looking for a 1-2 days a week part-time teaching position. Let me know if you are interested and send me your email address, I will send you a resume and a profile picture. I will look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards.

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Ggotsalmun – Flower Latticework Door: 꽃살문

Thu, 2021-05-20 23:33
The Latticework Adorning the Daeung-jeon Hall at Guryongsa Temple in Buk-gu, Busan. Introduction

Throughout Korea, and at the various Buddhist temples and hermitages that dot the Korean peninsula, you’ll find a countless amount of beautiful latticework adorning the entryways to temple shrine halls. This latticework is typically floral or geometric in design. And while these designs are usually rather stunning in appearance, the exact meaning behind them may be less clear. So what does this latticework look like? Where can you find it? And what does it all mean?

Location of the Latticework

The traditional place to find this latticework, which is known as “Ggotsalmun – 꽃살문” or “Flower Latticework Door” in English, is on the front side entryways of a temple shrine hall. Typically, the more important a temple shrine hall: the more ornate the latticework becomes. So the main hall at a Korean Buddhist temple, whether it’s a Daeung-jeon Hall, a Muryangsu-jeon Hall, or a Daejeokgwang-jeon Hall, it will have the most ornate latticework adorning the front side of the shrine hall. And the auxiliary halls like the Samseong-gak Hall or the Myeongbu-jeon Hall will usually have less elaborate latticework. This isn’t the rule, but it’s something that should be expected when you visit a Korean Buddhist temple or hermitage.

Designs of the Latticework

So typically, you’ll find four different types of latticework designs adorning the entryway to temple shrine halls. The more popular designs are floral and geometric. The two less popular designs that are harder to find adorning temple shrine halls are either animals or Buddhas and/or Bodhisattvas.

In total, there are typically three kinds of design patterns adorning the latticework. The first is a Diagonal Grid; the second is a Upright Diagonal Grid; and the third is the Upright Diagonal Floral Grid. While there are exceptions to these three standard designs, these are the three most common design patterns that you’ll find adorning Korean Buddhist temple shrine halls.

The Diagonal Grid sounds exactly the way you’d expect it to look with intricate cross-hatching of vertical and horizontal wooden strips. In Korean, this design is known as “Jeongjamun.” The wooden strips run at a forty-five degree angle.

The Upright Diagonal Grid, on the other hand, consists of the same diagonal pattern with vertical strips added at each intersecting part of the diagonal pattern. This mesh-like pattern is believed to ward off evil spirits just like the Diagonal Grid pattern.

The third, and final design, is the Upright Diagonal Floral Grid. This pattern is a mixture of floral and geometric designs. Of the three, this pattern is the most ornately designed. And not so surprisingly, it’s also the most popular, especially for the main hall at a given temple. The floral designs that typically make up the design of the Upright Diagonal Floral Grid are lotus flowers, peonies, sunflowers, and chrysanthemums. And yet, while these are said to be the flowers that make up the floral designs of this style of latticework, these flowers are usually too abstract to actually identify. Typically, the wooden flowers have either six (the most common design) or four petals. The reason for this floral design is that flowers are used to pay respect and reverence to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

A picture of Donghaksa Temple in Gongju, Chungcheongnam-do from 2004. Wolgwang-bosal (The Bodhisattva of the Moon) and Ilgwang-bosal (The Bodhisattva of the Sun) adorning the latticework of the Daeung-jeon Hall at Cheonbulsa Temple in Yangsan, Gyeongsangnam-do. Great Examples

There are a countless amount of great examples of the latticework that adorns Korean Buddhist temples and hermitages throughout Korea. Here are just a few of those examples of this amazing style of Buddhist artistry. Perhaps the most famous is Donghaksa Temple in Gongju, Chungcheongnam-do. Other examples can be found at Haedong Yonggungsa Temple in Gijang-gun, Busan; Tongdosa Temple and Anyangam Hermitage in Yangsan, Gyeongsangnam-do; Eunhasa Temple in Gimhae, Gyeongsangnam-do; Naesosa Temple in Buan, Jeollabuk-do; and Guryongsa Temple in Buk-gu, Busan.


Korean Buddhist temples are so filled with symbolic meaning that even the latticework has meaning. To the uninitiated eye, the floral latticework might simply be pretty and nothing more. However, while this latticework certainly is beautiful, it also has symbolic meaning, as well. Not only is it beautiful, but it’s also meant to ward off evil spirits and to give praise to those Buddhas and Bodhisattvas housed behind the entry of the intricate and amazing latticework.


Dale's Korean Temple Adventures YouTube

Inner Peace Art Store



Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Canon EOS 1000D DSLR Camera

Thu, 2021-05-20 04:18
Classified Ad Type: Location: Neighborhood: KSU Contact person by email

Canon eos 1000D DSLR camera in great working condition for sale. The camera had been used with care. It a bundle pack camera with all its accessories in the box. I'll throw in a camera shoulder bad for free. 
 Price: 180,000won

location Kyungsang/Pukyong National University subway station 


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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

[game] How many words do you know? ㅣ 초성게임 ㅣ 나똑똑 vs 다아라

Wed, 2021-05-19 13:35

Instagram     YouTube

Hi 안녕하세요 I'm Won!
I hope this channel is helpful

Private Korean lesson (Conversation, Pronunciation, Writing etc)
You can check more detail on my Instagram page

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Computer Chair

Wed, 2021-05-19 10:27
Classified Ad Type: Location: Neighborhood: Near HomePlus Express Suyeong-GuContact person by email

APIX Gaming Chair (small piece of foam from back of left arm torn off)

50,000 KRW or 40 USD

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

New Website Store

Wed, 2021-05-19 07:48

Hello Again Everyone!!

So recently, I decided to open up a store over on the Redbubble website. The store’s name is Inner Peace Art. At my store, I sell T-shirts, wall art, and phone cases. Overall, I like to promote ideas of peace and calm in my products, so that’s what you’ll find in my online store. This store will go a long way in supporting both the maintenance and cost behind the website. Below are a few examples of what to expect from the store. Hope you enjoy!

-Sincerely Dale Q.

The Sea of Samsara T-Shirt: $21.78

Korean Buddhist Dragon T-Shirt: $21.78

Korean Folk Tiger Phone Case: From $17.73

Eat, Sleep, Meditate Phone Case: From $17.73

Cherry Blossoms and the Buddha Wall Art: From $8.19

Peaceful Island Temple: From $8.19

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Korean Movies – Everything you need to know

Wed, 2021-05-19 05:00

South Korean movies sprung to global popularity through the success of Parasite (기생충 ㅣ gisaengchung), the Oscar-winning thriller and black comedy movie from 2019. However, Korean cinema has already been a hugely successful industry for decades within Korea.

Amazingly, Parasite isn’t even among the highest-grossing of all these Korean films! Of course, the film’s massive success makes it the highest-grossing South Korean film when all the worldwide ticket sales are accounted for.

In this article, we wish to give you an overview of the history of Korean films, as well as introduce you to some of the films that have been the most popular among South Korean audiences. Do you think you already know which Korean films they are?

History of Korean Movies

The Korean cinema is seen to have begun in 1945, just a few years before the Korean peninsula was split into two countries. The factors that have influenced the formation of South Korea’s cinema include the period of time Korea was under Japanese occupation, the Korean War, the business sector and globalization, the censorship by the government, and of course, Korea’s undergoing democratization.

Photo credit: https://soleno.co.kr

The Golden Age of Korean cinema has said to have been in the mid-1900s, taking place right after Korean War. During that time, some of the most highly acclaimed Korean films were produced. From the 1970s onward, the movie scene in South Korea fell into a slump. It was revived again in the late 1990s, having led to this era of multiple high-grossing South Korean films.

The globalization of South Korean cinema has also led many South Korean actors and actresses to try their luck in Hollywood. Most prominently, Lee Byung Hun has become a popular actor in Hollywood, while Park Chan Wook and Bong Joon Ho have filmed English language films as well, such as Snowpiercer.

The most popular Korean movies

Did you know that Bong Joon Ho’s movie, Parasite is the 19th highest-grossing movie in South Korean cinema? This means that there are more films of similarly great quality in South Korea. Here are a few:

#1. The Admiral: Roaring Currents (명량 | myeongnyang) 2014

#2. Extreme Job (극한직업 ㅣ geukanjigeop) 2019

#3. Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds (신과함께 – 죄와 벌 ㅣ singwahamkke – joewa beol) 2017

#4. Ode to My Father (국제시장 ㅣ gukjesijang) 2014

#5. Veteran (베테랑 ㅣ beterang) 2015

#6. The Thieves (도둑들 ㅣ dodukdeul) 2012

#7. Miracle in Cell No. 7 (7번방의 선물 ㅣ 7beonbangui seonmul) 2013

#8. Assassination (암살 ㅣ amsal) 2015

#9. Masquerade (광해, 왕이 된 남자 ㅣ gwanghae, wangi doen namja) 2012

#10. King and the Clown (왕의 남자 ㅣ wangui namja) 2005

We also already have a list of some of the best South Korean films right here. It can be especially great to explore when you want to find a South Korean film to watch to learn the language!

Why are these movies so popular?

These Korean films have been especially popular with South Korean viewers due to the emotions they evoke in the audience. For example, The Admiral, Ode to My Father, Assassination, Masquerade, and The King and the Clown, all have some basis in key periods of Korea’s history.

Meanwhile, Extreme Job, Veteran, and The Thieves are all masterfully made action-comedy Korean films. Along with the Gods: Two Worlds is a movie version of one of the most popular South Korean webtoons, and Miracle in Cell No. 7’s heartwarming story is enough to melt any viewer’s hearts.

The success of Korean films internationally

The highest-grossing Korean films are wildly different from the list of South Korea’s films that the world is most familiar with. South Korean viewers enjoy stories that depict the country’s history, while the international audience seems to love action-packed thrillers of the present day.

Photo credit: https://soompi.com

However, prior to Parasite, it has been relatively uncommon to find a South Korean film being shown in movie theaters internationally. Snowpiercer is a notable exception; however, that film is largely spoken in English and features the Hollywood darling Chris Evans.

International interest rose through Hallyu Wave, which paved a way for directors namely Bong Joon Ho, Park Chan Wook, and Kim Jee Woon to be recognized globally. With that said, despite Korean cinema still being relatively new to many audiences outside of East Asia, thanks to Parasite’s success, many upcoming films in South Korea can be expected to gain international interest as well!

Where can I watch a Korean film?

There are several sources from where you can watch films from Korea, including Netflix which we will talk about further below. You may have some luck with sites like AsianCrush. If you are located outside of Europe, you may also really love using Tubi to get your movie fix. Some older Korean films can be found on the Youtube channel for Korean Classic Film. Lastly, perhaps you can even start catching more of these films in Korean cinema!

Photo credit: https://bigstock.com

Korean movies on Netflix

The major streaming service Netflix has several popular Korean films for you to enjoy, such as Extreme Job and Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds. You can also find films depending on your preference on the genre, cast, or the year it was released. They even pick out specific films based on the previous ones you’ve watched.

Korean Movie Genres

If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve written some ideas below per genre to help you decide on the next movie to watch.

Photo credit: https://latimes.com; https://filmlinc.org; https://variety.com; https://soompi.com

Korean horror movies

South Korea is known to create great quality films in the horror or thriller genre. The perfect example is the movie Parasite by Korean director Bong Joon Ho as it was also recognized as the first non-English language film to win Best Picture. Other notable horror films that you can watch are Memories of Murder, Tale of Two Sisters, and Train to Busan. These films are known for the great plot and unexpected twists throughout the movie.

Korean war movies

War films in Korea are generally focused on periods when the Korean peninsula is vulnerable to Chinese and Japanese attacks. These types of films are popular with many viewers being able to personally relate to the story in some ways. Especially Ode to My Father, a film showcasing the country’s history during Korean War and afterward, tells the story of a very fresh and difficult period of time in Korea.

Korean action movies

If you’re into action and adventure, action films in Korea are a must-watch. These films typically will have you at the edge of your seat. Director Park Chan Wook’s film Oldboy, which was starred by actor Choi Min Sik is famous for the epic fight scenes executed smoothly.

Korean comedy movies

Comedy films are often paired with another genre to give the movie a lighter mood if needed. Miracle in Cell No. 7 is an example of a film that will make you bawl your eyes out from crying and laughing. Even if the story is light especially in genres like comedy, Korean cinema has its way of leaving an impact on its audience.

Korean romance movies

This list, of course, would not be complete without romance films. South Korea is known for K-dramas usually leaning towards a romantic storyline, the same goes for the movie. These films will either leave your heart full with their happy ending or empty with their heart-wrenching plot twists. Either way, you can’t deny that romance films from South Korea are unpredictably good.

Korean genre-bending movies

Genre-bending films are those which do not focus on one genre only. Instead, it highlights several genres in one film. A good example is the film “Burning” by Director Lee Chang Dong which covers psychological, thriller, mystery, and drama genres. Train to Busan tells the story of fighting zombies and surviving making this horror, thriller, and action movie fall under this category also.

How many of the Korean films that are most popular in South Korea have you seen? What about the internationally most popular ones? And what is your favorite film currently? Let us know in the comments what you think of these films from South Korea and whether you love watching them as much as we do!

The post Korean Movies – Everything you need to know appeared first on 90 Day Korean®.

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed
