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  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property ProfileType::$id is deprecated in EntityAPIController->load() (line 256 of /home/koreabri/public_html/sites/all/modules/entity/includes/entity.controller.inc).
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My progress (or lack thereof) to date

Webcast Academy - Tue, 2006-11-21 07:48
I cannot attend a meeting on Thursday (nor on Sunday) as I am in Germany for a long working weekend.  Webcasting has not crept to the top of my agenda yet, but rest assured that it will very soon (have been preparing for the German trip).  I am not sure that my set-up at home (from where I am most likely to webcast) is fast enough for webcasting.

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

More abut mini-Euro meeting on 15th. (?) Novemver 06 - Power Gramo recordingeuro

Webcast Academy - Mon, 2006-11-20 18:01

Jeff, I think, kindly forwarded my message about the Power Gramo recording I made (by oversight rathan design). It's about 70-80 minutes long and mostly of historical interest only - we did not achieve much at the meeting. I have converted it from ogg to MP3, QUESTION...

What now? Should I really upload it anywhere, and if "Yes"  where, how and how will those interested access it?    Dennis



I believe another Euro mini-meeting is planned for this week, though it has not been announced yet.  Thursday 19:00 'place' to be announced shortly. 

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Making screencast and converting to mp4.

Webcast Academy - Mon, 2006-11-20 17:07
I just recently have been experimenting with Camstudio but the videoformat is too large so i have been looking for a good converting software... I found Mediacoder which seem to cover several mediaformats and among them mp4. For you who want to make screencast maybe those software can come in handy...
Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

About me missing out and my personal situation

Webcast Academy - Mon, 2006-11-20 15:58
I have already have learned alot and have met several new friends in this nice community that World Bridges and Webcast Acacdemy is. I though must sadly slow down this. I have recently lost 25% of my income and really need to find a way to somehow get it back... I probably have to start a company or something. Even though i have much knowledge about alot of things i have trouble getting someone to employ me... At the moment i started an online magazine about Photo for beginners hoping to get medias attention and maybe through that get some work... Since many of you work in schools it might be of intrest i used Wordpress open source blogging tool to create it. You can use wordpress for your school magazine too...

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Nicecast - A Summary of Tips and Tricks

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2006-11-19 23:11

When streaming on a Macintosh computer, you are going to encounter your own special challenges. I will include here the links to some of our discoveries here at the Webcast Academy. Please contact me if you have any questions or wish to Skype someone when in dire straights. You can contact me at any time for any reason but I am always messing around with Mac stuff so I enjoy problem solving. Happy Streaming!

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Meeting 1.3.5

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2006-11-19 16:46

Webcast Academy Meeting 1.3.5
Sunday, Nov. 19, 200
Download mp3

  • The Webcast Academy Moodle
  • Open Troubleshooting
  • Interncast Schedule (starting to produce shows with support of oldtimers, if necessary) 
Chat Log Below

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Recording Skype on Mac OS X :: Thank You Kathy

Webcast Academy - Sun, 2006-11-19 15:54
Thank you Kathy for recommending Audio Hijack Pro. I have recorded a conversation with the Skype Lady. She is so fine, always available when we need here. If you are still having problems with recording Skype calls, stop fooling around and get Audio Hijack Pro. The free download works just fine. You only have to pay when you want to record more than 10 minutes. So there's lot's of functionality before paying for the product. I'm going to try out more features before I purchase, but hey, it works without any fuss. Well....when I first clicked on Skype >Record it said I needed to download additional software, but that took a second and I was off and running after rebooting Skype.

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

I listened in on the Women of Web 2.0 Webcast

Webcast Academy - Sat, 2006-11-18 11:22
Last Tuesday while I was staying in downtown Atlanta for the GaETC I listened in on and chatted with the WOW 2.0 women, cheryl, sharon, Jen and Vicki. The next day we tried to meet up but in a sea of 2000 it's hard to find someone you've never met. Coincidently, later that evening while relaxing and getting a bite to eat I found them (except Cheryl in ME) sitting right next to me! They fueled my fire and I'm now recruiting people for a webcast. I plan to do mine in January. This will give me time to collect the people, train them if need be and prepare an outline for the topic (TBD).

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Message to Euro Team from Jeff (forwarded by Dennis)

Webcast Academy - Sat, 2006-11-18 06:42
Dear Jeff and Euro Team,

I have a Power Gramo recording of at least part of the meeting. I will post it as an historical document - documentation of a Skype echo problem!

On 18/11/06, Jeff Lebow <[email protected]> wrote: Hello Euro Team ,

Delighted to hear that you had good meeting Thursday. Hope someone got a decent recording that can be posted.
Just wanted to mention
A) 1900kb down, 450kb up should be adequate for hosting a skype conf and streaming. It's comparable to what I get. CPU usage might be another issue.
B) Had an interesting discussion about the use of the Webcast Academy Moodle and other site management issues that may be of interest
C) Whenever you decide on a date/time for the next EuroMeeting, please do post it on the event calendar (Create Content/event) with a link to the global time. That way, interns who haven't been keeping up with posts will be able to see at a glance when it's happening.

Happy Weekend to all,

Thanks for joining the MiniEuro Meeting last night – we were missing Andrew and Bengt – and Jeff

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Euro mini-meeting yesterday 16.11 17:00 GMT

Webcast Academy - Fri, 2006-11-17 06:04

Still confused where to post.


Present were Niels, who called the meeting, Sus and Anne from Denmark and me from Germany. Niels managed to stream our proceedings on sandpits A and B, plus record on Audacity. I started recording on Audacity, but had to switch off because it was interferring with other people's connection. I also recorded on Gramo - but there is nothing worth uploading anywhere.


1. Started off as a Skypecast. Niels had trouble with other people trying to get in.

2. Switched to an ordinary Skype conference.

3. Sus had difficulties getting in.

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Webcast Academy Moodle Discussion

Webcast Academy - Fri, 2006-11-17 05:47

Webcast Moodle Discussion
November 16, 2006
Download mp3

Art, Doug, Brad, & Jeff discuss Webcast Academy organizational issues in general, and Moodle based courses in particular (see WebcastAcademy.com)

Chat Log Below

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Pilots check-list before departure - a list of settings from Niels

Webcast Academy - Thu, 2006-11-16 13:37

My settings for a working system for recording AND streaming:

Soundcard: SigmaTel C-Major Audio v. (11.03.05)

USB-mic from Logitech – AK5379 – driver MS 5.1.2535.0 (01.07.01

Installed: full version of AVC – Audio Virtuel Cabels – or ask Jeff! + all programs form the webcas kit for windows

SYSTEM: WinXP professional v. 2002 - servicepak 2 -

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

SpaceCast - Oh to Be 13!

Webcast Academy - Thu, 2006-11-16 11:32
SpaceCast Episode #9 from our middle school elgg students (personallearningspace.com) contemplate some very important questions - "What is it like....." (to  be 13 in Virginia, to  be 14 in New York, for my mom to be 13). I know I would not want to be 13 again but listen in for some different opinions from Paul Allison, Lee Baber and Madeline Brownstone classrooms for a student cast session that is really starting to grow up.  Teachers Teaching Teachers on Wednesday continue to discuss plans for the cast. We will be back on November 17th at 10:30 am EST -- 15:30 GMT. (Click here to subscribe to SpaceCast).

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Audacity Controlling my Sound Control Panel...

Webcast Academy - Thu, 2006-11-16 03:31

Hi --- I was webcasting last week through an pa system -- so I was going directly into my soundcard via a 1/8 inch audio cable from the mixing board. I selected the Stereo Mix Audio Recording Control and put the volume up and was not getting any input from my sound card to Simplecast or Audacity. I panicked, restarted Simplecast, checked my audio settings -- nothing seemed to work. So I closed and opened Audacity, and then I saw that the microphone was selected in the audio input in Audacity. I changed that to Audio Mix and that fixed the problem.

So what does this all mean? I think that Audacity may take over some of your Audio settings on your computers, so checking the settings there before you start streaming is important. I hope that this helps some of you.

- Alex

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

My SigmaTel Woes

Webcast Academy - Thu, 2006-11-16 00:49
I am sad to say I still cannot record a call with the Skype Lady. I have talked to her so many times I am hearing her in my dreams. I felt like I was really making progress until I hit the wall with my SigmaTel sound card. When I access my sound properties, under the record option, I do not have the stereo mix option or the wave option. I did receive a link from this group for a different driver, but that did not work. That driver disabled all sound. It could have been that by the time I tried the new driver I had already installed (and paid for VAC).


Since my desktop is new, I decided to contact Dell. After a long online chat and a phone call, Dell told me they had the solution, but if I wanted to know it would cost me $99.00.

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Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

3rd Webcast for Women of Web 2.0

Webcast Academy - Wed, 2006-11-15 22:09

This is the 3rd webcast for Women of Web 2.0.

Cheryl was webcasting from Wells, ME, Jennifer, Vicki and Sharon were in Atlanta at the Georgia State Technology Conference.

We discussed blogging and different conference offerings. There were 20 people in the skypecast, and about 12 people in the Worldbridges Chat.

Thanks to Jeff and Dave for hosting this great opportunity. Thanks to all the listener.

I'll be posting to iTunes this week, so you will be able to RSS the podcast. Thanks for the suggestion.

Over and out,


Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

The Dave and Nancy Show

Webcast Academy - Wed, 2006-11-15 21:54
I just wanted to congratulate Alex and Arvind (et al) and Dave Cormier and Nancy White for one of the most engaging audio experiences I have ever encountered. The recording on EdTechTalk was mind blowing- from Alex's wonderful introduction (so powerful and so right) to the remarkable double-header performance by Dave and Nancy. The presentation style and use of audio in this NYCIST 2006 conference presentation (entitled 'The Eight Competencies of Online Interaction: What Should We Be Learning and Doing?') was perefect. The presentation was an example of how multiple voices create more than vocal ping pong when the potential for raport and personality is let loose.

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The Pirates of Second Life

Webcast Academy - Wed, 2006-11-15 14:34

Looks like Second Life is experiencing some growing pains.  I wonder how long it will be before we see some significant (and highly restrictive) DRM creep it's way in-world?

Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed

Testing out i-Sound WMA MP3 Recorder 6.60 Professional

Webcast Academy - Tue, 2006-11-14 14:10

Thanks to a remark from Bengt I have started testing out this amazing software: i-Sound WMA MP3 Recorder 6.60 Professional

Read more about this test - here in the webcastbook

Anyone like to try this out - and give a repport back in the WebCastBook?


Categories: Worldbridges Megafeed


Webcast Academy - Tue, 2006-11-14 01:16
I have come to the conclusion that this class is really good for me. I have usually jumped into a project with both feet and after floundering around had success. This one is a real challenge. I started this week thinking I would finally get going. Only to find that VAC will not install on my home computer. I have it at work, but my XP machine here just chokes. I get a message that it can't copy a file to a particular folder because it can't find the path. However, the path is there - I'm stumped AGAIN. Besides that, today I couldn't even get one of the computers in a lab in one of my schools to work using USB headphones - the sound insisted on coming through both the headphones and the monitor speakers.

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